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组病人采用“三部诊治法”治疗。We treat the Group I by tridiagnosis.

目的提高脐尿管腺癌的诊治效果。Objective To improve the outcome of urachal carcinoma.

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在肝病诊治中,营养药膳是否扮演重要角色?。Do Nutraceuticals Have a Role in Managing Liver Disease?

三天后,他再來我们的中医部门诊治療肩痛。Three days later, he visited our OPD for the shoulder pain.

中毒型菌痢因诊治不及时。Because poison bacillary dysentery the diagnosis is not prompt.

普通科门诊到诊人次指由医生诊治的个案。General out-patient attendances refer to cases seen by doctors.

因此,你能叫你的医生只诊治你肉体上的病症吗?Would you, therefore, that your physician heal the bodily evil?

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目的提高对原发性附睾肿瘤的诊治水平。Objective To improve the diagnosis of primary epididymal tumors.

张君教授从医多年,对儿科疾病的中医诊治颇有建树。Professor Zhang, Jun has been an experienced doctor for many years.

胃肠。肛肠。感染病。肝病诊治中心。Center for Liver, Infection , Gastrointestinal , Colorectal Diseases.

用后敏感或不适,请停止使用。如有需要请就医诊治。If any irritation occurs, stop use and consult a docter if necessary.

总结乳腺叶状肿瘤的诊治情况。To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of breast phyllodes tumor.

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目的分析植入性胎盘的临床特点及诊治。Objective Analyse clinical features and treatment of placenta accreta.

目的探讨急性会厌炎的诊治和护理。Objective To investigate the treatment of acute epiglottitis and care.

目的提高膀胱非上皮性肿瘤的诊治效果。ABM To improve the treatment of non-epithelial tumor of urinary bladder.

这次诊治的主要目标是彻底清洗耳道。C. A major goal on this visit will be to thoroughly CLEAN the ear canal.

论述时辰钟在中医妇科诊治中的意义。This paper deals with the significance of the chronoclock in gynecology.

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同时从主要具有诊治肺癌条件的二所医院获得漏报病例45人。Data of 45 patients who were not registered was obtained from 2 hospitals.

多学科诊治团队需常态化和专业化以实现患者的最大获益。MDT should be stable and specialized to achieve patients' maximum benefit.

对最初诊断进行补充或删改,提出当前的诊治意见。Added or withdrawn from their intial diagnosis to the current consultation.