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大桥巍然横跨在江上。The bridge stands majestic astride the river.

这座大桥巍然横跨在长江之上。The bridge stands majestic astride the Yangtze River.

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我们的边防战士在敌人猛烈进攻下巍然不动。Our frontier guards held up under fierce enemy attack.

传说那巍然屺立的五指山就是黎族祖先大力神的巨手。It is said that the Five Element Mountains is from Hercules' hand.

张巍然副校长的讲话拉开了东方高中新西兰文化周的序幕。Mr. Zhang started our school's New Zealand Culture Week with a warm welcome speech.

建筑师将设计绘在薄薄的图纸上,修建的大楼却能历经地震巍然不动。An architect draws designs on flimsy paper, and her buildings stand up through earthquakes.

在伊斯法罕世界上最大的广场之一的旁边,巍然耸立着伊玛目清真寺。这是一处磁砖搭建的胜景。Headlining beside one of the world's largest squares, Esfahan's Emam Mosque is a tiled wonder.

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小规模的、分散的、通用的、无级的企业巍然成为那时的趋势。Small-scale, decentralised, ver-satile, nonhierarchical enterprises were the order of the day.

每天下午1点,城堡就炮声轰鸣,似乎要让人别忘了它的巍然存在。The Castle reminds everyone of its mighty presence daily, when the cannon fires at one o'clock.

无论走在哪里,你都可发现那平顶的大山巍然矗立,俯瞰城中的建筑。Wherever you are, you will see the huge flat topped icon overlooking the buildings in the city.

道德习惯的培养必须统摄在价值观的教育中,个体道德大厦才能根基扎实、巍然耸立。The cultivation of moral habits must go into the value education to become sound and deep-rooted.

如果说有什么变化的话,那就是随着时间的流逝,他变得更加巍然耸立,更加令人肃然起敬,同时也更加神秘莫测。If anything, with the passage of time, he only looms larger—more impressive, and also more mysterious.

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群峰苍翠连绵,大海浩瀚碧蓝,峭壁巍然,巨浪飞雪,气势恢宏,是理想的旅游避暑胜地。Rolling green peaks, vast blue sea, towering cliffs, waves snow, magnificent, is an ideal summer resort.

很多入会在船边探出头,对塑像规模之大惊叹不已,竟然看得连自己的脖子都巍然不动了。Many would stick their heads over the edge of the ship and stiffen in amazement at the size of the statue.

登阁远望,隔着南岸广阔的平原,东南山岭巍然矗立,气势雄壮。Gordon Court Yuan Wang, across the vast plain south, southeast mountains towering stand, magnificent momentum.

高层居民楼和摩天大厦巍然耸立,公路看上去完好无损,交通一如往常拥塞不堪。Residential high-rises and skyscrapers stood tall. Roads looked intact. And traffic seemed as congested as usual.

村口巍然矗立十二座坟墓,乃十二名铮铮男儿不畏强敌誓死捍卫村民的见证。Village stands rock-firm twelve grave, but a dozen ZhengZheng manhood defying propetamphos defend villagers testimony.

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读书要有选择,读那些有闪光思想和高贵语言的书,读那些经过时代淘汰而巍然独存下来的书。You should choose books with sparking ideas and precious words, and books that still remain after generations of selections.

依照圣经的希伯来文所具有的象徵内涵,此树在荒凉的小山上,巍然矗立,像个十字架的阴影。Drawing on all the symbolic contexts suggested in the Hebrew of the Bible, it erects on a barren hill the shadow of the cross.

山因水的环绕流淌而显得婉约,水因山的巍然高耸而映出其伟大。The mountains around the water flowing and appears graceful, towering mountains towering water due to the reflected its great.