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那你怎么予以控制呢?How do you take control?

巴图林娜对这一指控予以否认。Baturina denies the allegation.

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尸体从墓中掘出来再予以火化。The body was exhumed and burned.

此事要求你毫不拖延地予以关注!The gate-keeper demanded my business.

运动定律将予以讨论。The laws of motions will be discussed.

瓯海公司也对报导内容予以否认。The company has also denied the report.

我将迅速和公平地予以处理。I will deal with it promptly and fairly.

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我们将对绑匪的绑票行为予以打击。We'll fight kidnappers with kidnappings.

特别是对细节予以深切的注意。Expecially the deep notice to the detail.

双方对访问结果予以高度评价。Both sides give high praise to this visit.

他对于自己的预言是自相矛盾的说法予以了否定。He denies that his prophecy is self-denying.

根据你的情况,我们拟予以从宽处理。In your case, we are prepared to be lenient.

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必须对克伦邦的独立地位予以承认。Recognition of Karen State must be completed.

但连你也一定会予以谴责的是,他是在撒谎。But, what even you must condemn, he was lying.

铁路当局对他所受的伤害予以赔偿。The railroad indemnified him for his injuries.

请在申请兑换免票时,予以确认。Please inquire when applying for award tickets.

Redfield在星期六撰博一篇对此事予以严厉抨击。Redfield blogged a scathing attack on Saturday.

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下载自解压档案文件,并予以运行。Download the self-extracting archive and run it.

特别是对细节予以深切的注意。Especially pay a deep-felt attention to details.

49位进入半决赛的选手将在今天予以公布。The 49 semi-finalists have been announced today.