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最标准的就是抑扬格。The most standard of these is the iamb.

节奏完全按四音步句的抑扬格在行进。Acatalectic tetrameter of iambs marching.

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无韵诗是不押韵的抑扬格五步格诗。Blank verse is unrhymed iambic pentameter.

我们用抑扬符表示一算符。We use a circumflex to indicate an operator.

你们有多少人知道抑扬格的五音步格诗?How many of you know what iambic pentameter is?

全诗是用五步抑扬格对偶句式写的。It was written in rhyming couplets of iambic pentameter.

五步抑扬格的双韵体称英雄双韵体。A couplet written in iambic pentameter is called a heroic couplet.

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顿挫抑扬是形容朗读时声音的高低曲折和和谐的的节奏。Cadence means the rise and fall of the voice in reading with rhythm.

匹配修饰符号,如抑扬音、抑音符号和长音符号。Matches modifier symbols such as circumflex accent grave accent and macron.

抑扬格是安排韵文的一种体系,是为了安排每一行诗的韵文。Meter is--it's a scheme for organizing verse, for organizing lines of verse.

他们通常以英雄双行体创作诗歌,这是一种经过推敲的五步抑扬格诗行。They usually write poetry in heroic couplets a polished iambic pentameter line.

由两行互相押韵的含有五个抑扬音步的诗句组成的韵文单位。Heroic couplet refers to two lines of iambic pentameter rhyming with each other.

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他们通常以英雄双行体创作诗歌,这是一种经过推敲的五步抑扬格诗行。They usually write poetry in heroic couplets, a polished iambic pentameter line.

抑扬格是一种简单的无重音的音节,后面跟着一个有重音的音节。The iamb is a simple pattern of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one.

文学语言的韵律美主要表现为均衡美、回环美、抑扬美、错综美。It is shown by the aesthetics of equilibrium, complication, cadence and of circumlocution.

由此旧时代的诗人一些成为英雄史诗作家,一些成为抑扬格诗人。The result was that the old poets became some of them writers of heroic and others of iambic verse.

文学语言的音乐美又表现为均衡美、错综美、抑扬美和回环美。Moreover, it is shown by the aesthetics of equilibrium, complication, cadence and of circumlolution.

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每一行都自然地形成抑扬格,每一个非重音音节之后都跟着一个重音音节。Each line falls naturally into iambic patterns, with unaccented syllable followed by accented syllable.

但它也能表现出感情的另一面,其抑扬韵律,有时也会使人引起对遥远乡关的怀念。But it can also express another aspect, with melodious rhythm, sometimes it brings yearning to remote nativetown.

然而,惠特曼真实意义上的本土特色在于摆脱了传统英国诗歌抑扬格的束缚。But the true aboriginal stroke was Whitman's breaking loose from the iambic collar of traditional English poetry.