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多年以来,瑞典一直令左翼分子心潮澎湃。For years Sweden has made lefties swoon.

此时此刻,凌晓明的内心更是心潮澎湃。At this moment, Ms Ling Xiaoming contemplated a lot.

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我站在浩浩的江水旁,心潮澎湃。Standing beside the mighty river, I am very thrilled.

昨天清晨,我在文科楼的饭堂里吃着早餐,突然被眼前的一幕感动得心潮澎湃。Yesterday morning, I was having breakfast in our school canteen.

老师很快就把学生煽动得心潮澎湃。The teacher soon whipped the students into a fever of excitement.

热血类,即为让人心潮澎湃,激动的意思。Blood categories, that is, to let people are so excited excited mean.

一腔热血,无处可流,心潮澎湃如波涌。A cavity blood, nowhere to flow, an upsurge of emotion, such as surge.

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景色如此壮观,令我们这些游客心潮澎湃。It was such a grand view that it aroused strong emotion in us sightseers.

我即将经历我人生当中一个最令人心潮澎湃的奇遇。I am about to commit to one of the biggest emotional adventures in my life.

看到富人,伟人的鸿篇巨制是否也心潮澎湃???Are you surging your emotions after seeing richer or a masterwork of a great man?

2010年,新春佳节,温暖人生,思绪起伏,心潮澎湃。By 2010, the Spring Festival, the warmth of life, ups and downs, surging thoughts.

在计算领域,最令人心潮澎湃的发展莫过于搭建人与人交互的平台。The most exciting developments in computing are the person to person applications.

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下面这些让人心潮澎湃的约会创意定会让你的情人节与众不同。Make your Valentine's Day more special with the following mind-blowing dating ideas.

这些对你来说可能没有意义,但我每读一次都会心潮澎湃。It may not mean anything to you, but I still get a surge of emotion each time I read it.

这个周日我会心潮澎湃,安菲尔德、利物浦给了我那么多。Sunday will be an emotional day for me. Anfield and Liverpool fans have gave me so much.

只有你,也只有你能让我如此心潮澎湃,在我的心中充满了对你无限的爱。Only you and you alone can thill me like you do and fill my heart with love for only you.

只有你,也只有你能让我如此心潮澎湃,使我的心中充满了对你的爱。Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do and fill my heart with love for only you.

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这样热烈祥和、繁华喜庆的节日气氛,真是令人心潮澎湃啊!This warm and auspicious, prosperous festive holiday atmosphere, I am really emotionally ah!

我没有劝解,但我感到心潮澎湃,对我的大儿子正在变得成熟,负有责任感而感到自豪。I can’t help but feel a swell of pride that my oldest is developing a sense of responsibility.

下列2010最美的十名女星一定会让你心潮澎湃!This list of the ten most beautiful female celebrities 2010 is sure to get your blood pumping!