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那么,这个裂缝是什么呢?So what is this crack?

它爆开了第一道裂缝。The first crack appears.

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有一条大裂缝正在裂开。A big crevasse is opening.

裂缝是时间的作品。Crevice is the work of time.

巨大的裂缝阻挡了前路。A large crack blocks the way.

他的衬衣上有一条细长裂缝。And his shirt had a long slit.

它后面的消音器已有一条裂缝。It had a split in the muffler.

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内脏裂缝颌,舌骨与鳃弓。The jaw, hyoid and gill arches.

灰尘从裂缝中吹进来。Dust blew in through the cracks.

发现官道上有一处裂缝。A break in the pipe was found out.

卷毛穿过栅栏上的大裂缝。Curl through the wide fence cracks.

猛犸掉河裂缝里。The mammoth fell into an ice crevasse.

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今天不要去滑冰,冰上有危险的裂缝。There yare dangerous cracks in the ice.

水泥地面与墙壁连接处的裂缝cracks at concrete floor-wall junctions

清理排水沟并且修复屋顶的裂缝。Clean out gutters and repair roof leaks.

无裂缝和缝隙接触面。Crack and crevice-free contact surfaces.

或许在那些断壁和裂缝中。Maybe in the tumbled walls and fissures.

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碎片在牙齿上的裂缝中堆积起来。Debris collects in the crevices on teeth.

机甲跟着jake进入一个岩石裂缝。It follows him into a narrow rocky cleft.

洪水从堤上的一个裂缝处涌出。The floods found avent through the dykes.