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食品安全,关系到国计民生。Food safety is related to people's livelihood.

电力行业是一个关系到国计民生的基础行业。Food safety is a major event in people's livelihood.

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食品安全问题是关系到国计民生的重大问题。Food safety problem to the national economy is a major issue.

社会保障制度是关系国计民生的重要制度。The social security matters the whole nation and the life of the people.

食品安全是关系到国计民生及社会稳定的大事。Food Safety is matters vital to national well-being and social stability.

电力行业是一个关系到国计民生的基础行业。Electric power industry is an infrastructure one of importantance in China.

朴姓难民称,她知道金正日经常为了国计民生彻夜工作。Park said she knows Kim often stays up at night worried about the lives of the people.

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矿产资源储备是关系到国计民生的大事。Minecal resources reserve is a very important thing in the national economy and the people'slivelihood.

城市供水业关系国计民生,与生产、生活密切相关。The development of the urban water supply industry is closely related with the production and peoples life.

我国是贫油国家,减少对国外石油的依存度是关系国计民生的问题。China is poor country and reducing dependence on foreign oil is the main problem of the people's livelihood.

放射性核废物的地质处置是一个关系到国计民生多学科交叉的综合性问题。Geological disposal of radioactive wastes is a multi-disciplinary issue of importance for national interest.

棉花、燃料油、玉米、白糖、豆油、PTA等一批关系国计民生的新品种相继上市。Our Futures Exchanges have listed Cotton, Fuel Oil, Corn, Sugar, Soybean Oil, PTA and other important varieties.

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所以,衡量小康社会的标准除了经济指标外,还必须包括关乎国计民生的社会人文指标。Thus, to evaluate a well off society should cover not only economic achievements but also cultural achievements.

因此,面向全体学生实行素质教育是关系到国计民生的一件大事。So, all the students must be provided with quality-oriented education, which concerns to everyone who lives in china.

税收负担直接涉及国计民生最尖锐、最敏感的问题。Taxation burden is a most acuity and sensitive problem concerning to the national economy and the peoples livelihood.

高等教育是关系国计民生的大问题,高级人才的培养、高端技术的研究无不依靠完善的高等教育体系。Higher education is the critical aspect for a country, because it concerns with talent education and hi-tech research.

汽车工业是一个关系到国计民生的支柱产业。Automobile industry is a pillar industry having direct implications on the national economy and the people' s livelihood.

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在古代,盐作为国家专利,它的生产与运销关系着国计民生。In ancient times, salt as a national patent, production and distribution of its relationship with the people's livelihood.

粮食是关系国计民生安全的重要战略物资,各国政府普遍采取保护政策。As food is the most essential and strategic material for any countries, every government protects it with protective policies.

确实关心社会发展,关心国家进步,关心老百姓,关心国计民生,有这样的一种胸怀。Also, he or she should really care about society, our country, people and their livelihood. He or she needs to have such a heart.