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哦,这个雄踞全世界的巨人!The colossus that bestrode the world!

这张唱片雄踞排行榜之冠长达六周之久。This record topped the charts for six weeks.

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他的成绩雄踞积分榜第一名,冠军非他莫属。His marks top the tally. He must be the champion.

这首歌连续五个星期雄踞流行榜榜首。The song has topped the pop charts for five weeks.

泰国雄踞世界最大的大米出口国的地位已有三十多年的历史了。For 30 years or more the country has been the world's biggest rice exporter.

长城终于竣工了,终端雄踞在一处高达200英尺的悬崖之上,俯瞰着下面白浪滔滔的河流。Work on the Wall stopped at a 200-foot cliff hanging over a foaming white river.

长城终于竣工了,终端雄踞在一处高达200英尺的悬崖之上,俯瞰着下面白浪滔滔的河流。Work on the Wall stopped at a200- foot cliff hanging over a foaming white river.

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焦点,一直是华丽光芒的代名词,在时尚殿堂一直雄踞顶端!Focus has been synonymous with beautiful light, has been ranked top in the fashion hall!

西卡凭着卓越品质和产品多样化雄踞中国市场。With excellent quality and product diversification, Sika are in a top position in Chinese market.

亲水顶级建筑,雄踞红谷滩中心区,真正意义上的CBD中心。Top-water construction, the central area of Hong Gutan ranked, in the true sense of the CBD center.

巴有人骠勇,泛称白虎蛮、板木盾蛮,雄踞川东北上千年。They're as valiant as Zong people, entrenched in the northeast of Sichuan for over a thousand years.

超大胞雷雨云的边缘犬牙交错如同雕刻出的一般,大风卷着雨水和尘埃雄踞其中.前景是一棵树在耐心等待风暴来袭。Jagged sculptured clouds adorn the supercell's edge, while wind swept dust and rain dominate the center.

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珠穆朗玛峰雄踞世界屋脊喜马拉雅山颠。Nestled in the Himalayas, bordering the world's highest peak, Mount Everest, lies tiny landlocked Nepal.

北京世界公园的规模雄踞亚洲同类公园之冠,所收微缩复制品的数量也堪称亚洲之最。The Beijing World Park is the largest park of its kind, with mini replicas on the largest scale in Asia.

该乐队发行首张特辑,在全世界范围内销量达5百万张,雄踞13个国家的音乐排行榜之首。The group's first album sold more than 5 million copies worldwide. It topped the music charts in 13 counties.

著名的燕山山脉雄踞于华北平原之北,以其特有的地质构造闻名于世。The magnificent Yanshan Mountains, famous for their unique structural features, lie north of the North China Plain.

但莫里斯公司还是引发了最大的轰动,他曾暂时雄踞全美并购和收购业务前十名。But Moelis & Company made the biggest splash, briefly becoming one of the top ten banks in the M&A business in America.

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意大利队跨越了11名跃居第二位,成为追赶雄踞首位的巴西的军团领头羊。The Azzurri have leaped 11 places to second and are now at the head of the chasing pack behind Brazil, who stay on top.

她濒临万里长江,雄踞蛇山之巅,挺拔独秀,辉煌瑰丽,为名传四海的游览胜地。She is the Yangtze river, the top of the mountain road snakes, and others, magnificent, brilliant fame spread the resorts.

西夏雄踞西北,抗衡辽、宋、金三国,长久立国的一个重要原因是西夏拥有河套地区。Xixia stood firmly in Northwest China with Liao, Song and Jin, an important reason behind is that it occupied Hetao region.