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他对介系词用法作了一番详尽的研究。He has made a detailed study of the use of prepositions.

她的动作既是现在动词也是未来系词。Her action is both present progressive and future tense.

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我是如何应付我的烦恼之一-系词呢?So how do I deal with one of my headaches, prepositions ?

拇指和大腿这两个词语都可以追溯到同一个印欧语系词源。Both thumb and thigh go back to the same Indo-European root.

我很痛恨从书本上强记需要配上固定介系词的片语。I hate to memorize phrases with fixed prepositions from books.

冠词和介系词对英文初学者来说是个绊脚石。Articles and prepositions are stumbling blocks to the beginners of English.

那些书通常是战胜介系词或战胜片语之类的书名。They are usually called Conquering Prepositions or Conquering Phrases and the like.

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“是”从代词演变为断定系词,进而成为焦点标记,是语法界普遍接受的事实。It is generally accepted that Shi evolved from a pronoun to a assertive copular and to a focus marker.

前三章教您常见的介系词、动名词、时态的使用方法。This book contains 9 chapters. In the first three chapters, the common usages of prepositions, gerunds, and tenses are provided.

判断的模态对判断的内容毫无贡献,而是仅仅涉及系词一般来说与思维相关时的值。Modality of judgments contributes nothing to the concept of judgments but only concerns the value of the copula in relation to thought in general.

黑人英语中一个显著的特征是系词be的不同形式经常出现空位的情况,而这些be形式在标准英语中却是必须要求存在的。One prominent syntactic feature is the frequent absence of various forms of the copula "be" in Black English, which are required of Standard English.

本文从该动词作独立动词、系词、助动词及一些固定搭配等几个方面对其用法进行了阐述。This article sums up the usage of it from its aspects of being a verb, a independent verb, a copulative, auxiliary and its usage in some fixed ex- pressions.

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一直以来,在其他日耳曼语言中,dumb的姐妹词汇都一定有“愚蠢”的意思,而且dumb的印欧语系词根dheubh有“疑惑”、“晕眩”、“愚蠢”的意思。All the while in other Germanic languages the sister words to dumb certainly meant “stupid” and the Indo-European root dheubh that led to dumb meant “confused,” “dizzy” or “stupid.