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轮廓整洁,象狐狸。Clean cut and fox-like.

现在这儿看起来要整洁多了。It looks much tidier now.

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书桌整洁还是零乱?Is the desk messy or neat?

我的房间看起来很不整洁。My room looks very untidy.

这卧室太不整洁了。The bedroom's very untidy.

把你自己打扮得整洁些。Keep yourself well groomed.

她的闺房干净而整洁。Her boudoir is clean and tidy.

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她的头发这么不整洁的,所以!Her hair so untidy, so blowsy!

我弟是个很整洁的人。My brother is a clean-cut guy.

她看上去总是整洁、俐落。She always looks neat and trim.

要干净,要整洁,给锁头上油。Be clean, be tidy, oil the lock.

保持你的食品柜里食物的整洁。Keep smart foods in your pantry.

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奥莉薇雅做什么都是干净整洁的。Olivia, so neat in all she'd do.

拉遢鬼是否应该学习变得更整洁?Should slobs learn to be neater?

在一个整洁的房间里我们会做的更好。We can play well in a tidy room.

兔足,小巧而整洁。Feet hare-footed, small and neat.

提高面包店的卫生、整洁度。Improve sanitation at shop level.

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沉默,但是很整洁和优雅。Silent, but so clean and elegant.

整个屋子实在是过于整洁。The room was altogether too neat.

你的工作整洁地呈现了吗?。Has your work been present neatly?