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桐油和樟木曾是它主要出口货物。Its chief exports were tung oil and camphor.

买主要求再供应些桐油。Buyers require additional supply of wood oil.

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伞面棉纸上桐油,具有防水及强化伞面的功用。Brush Tung Oil on the paper to make it water resistant.

本文研究了桐油和苯酚在酸催化剂存在下的反应过程。The reaction between Tung Oil and phenol has been studied.

放在长条椅上的油纸伞还散着新鲜桐油的香气。The umbrellas on the long chair still smelt of fresh tung oil.

当时的灰浆是用石灰、桐油,还有糯米熬制成的。The mortar used then was made with lime, tong oil and sticky rice.

桐油包膜复合肥料处理的黑麦草绿期优于复合肥料处理。The green period was longer for the TCC treatments than the compound fertilizer treatment.

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介绍桐油改性线型酚醛树脂的制造方法及应用研究。This article recommends manufacture and application of the novolacs resin modified by tung oil.

利用固定床反应器,以固体酸为催化剂催化桐油预酯化反应。Pre-esterification of China wood oil catalyzed by solid acid in fixed bed reactor was researched.

对该种矿物油砂的铸造工艺性能与桐油砂和合脂砂作了比较。The mineral oil sandwerecompared with tong oil sand and residue of synthetie fatty acid-bonded sand.

桐油加纳色值、植物油溶剂残留、木材鉴定等特殊项目。Tests on gardner of tung oil and impregnant residues in vegetable oil and identification of wood, etc.

蒽醌异构共轭聚合植物油,可代替桐油制涂料。The anthraquinone isomeric conjugate polymerized vegetable oil can replace the tung oil to prepare paint.

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用桐油石灰抹缝,提高粘结性和抗渗性,使船舶具有很好的抗沉性。Tung oil was also used in the shipbuilding to improve the caking property and impermeability of the watercraft.

利用IR、DSC分析技术研究了桐油改性酚醛树脂的固化过程及其动力学。In this paper, the curing behaviors and kinetics of phenolic resins modified with tung oil were investigated by IR, DSC.

荷荡深处有一水车,很落寞地躺在沟渠间,刚刚刷过桐油,色泽清亮,桐香扑鼻。Load on the depths of a waterwheel, very lonely lying in a ditch, just brush tung oil, bright color, fragrance of paulownia.

结果表明,桐油改性酚醛树脂的剪切强度、冲击强度较未改性树脂大,硬度适中。The results showed that the shear strength and impact strength were superior to those of pure resin, and the hardness was mezzo.

或以载油之艰,遣人僦居荆襄、辰沅,就其贱值桐油点烟而归。Or to carry difficult of oil, dispatches the human to rent occupies Jingxiang and Chenyuan, its inexpensive value tung oil smoke turns over.

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但在封建主义、帝国主义和官僚资本主义的三重压迫下,桐油贸易由兴盛走向了衰落。But under the oppression of feudalism, imperialism and bureaucratic capitalism, the tung oil trade declined from prosperity to deterioration.

结果表明,苯乙烯改性桐油基醇酸树脂涂膜具有快干、高硬度和耐水性好等优点。The results showed that modified alkyd resin paints possess good properties such as fast drying, high hardness and excellent water resistance.

近代四川的桐油贸易网络,具有强烈的外销倾向,可视为四川传统地方市场国际化的主要特征之一。The outward extension of the trade network of Sichuan tung oil in modern times is a symbol of internationalization on traditional Sichuan market.