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那庞大的街垒感到他坐镇在它的臀部。The enormous barricade felt him on its haunches.

马吕斯于是坐镇在街垒顶上警戒着。Marius posted himself on the lookout upon the crest of the barricade.

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之后迎战托特纳姆热刺和曼城,你希望他能坐镇中场。And against Tottenham and Manchester City, you want him in the midfield.

月娥坐镇一扇轩,监视大妹并设局试她与季常。Lam in an hin, monitoring and big sister set with season always try her.

老字号,确实是信心的保证,因为这里有着林师傅坐镇,烧腊?It all quality products, as Chef Lam is the guarantee trademark of the stall.

本赛季他们再次坐镇斯坦福德球场,迎来了另外一个伦敦德比的对手—查尔顿队。They welcome Charlton to Stamford Bridge for yet another London derby this season.

使那不孕的妇女坐镇家中,成为多子的母亲,快乐无穷。He gives a home to the barren woman, and makes her a joyful mother. Praise the Lord!

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阿森纳是今晚的最大赢家,他们坐镇主场兵不血刃地六球狂胜布拉加。Arsenal were the night's biggest winners, scoring six without reply at home to Braga.

但是我们坐镇安菲尔德,在球迷的支持下我们可以击败任何人。But we are playing at Anfield and with the help of our supporters we can beat anyone.

马尼切替补上场,他坐镇中路而埃辛临时客串左后卫。Maniche replaced him, going into holding midfield with Essien switching to left-back.

同一时间,此现年62岁的老板真是坐镇本田东京总部的中心。The 62-year-old boss also sits, literally, at the centre of Honda's Tokyo headquarters.

科特迪瓦具有强壮的脊梁,出色的亚亚·图雷坐镇中场。Ivory Coast has a strong spine, held together by the excellent Yaya Toure in central midfield.

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那个女王的名字已经在赛尔霍利斯传遍了,他们说她依旧坐镇弥林,不断被围攻。The queen's name is on every tongue in Selhorys. They say she still sits in Meereen, sore beset.

今晚坐镇斯台普斯中心迎战孟菲斯灰熊队,他“很有可能”出战。He was termed "probable" to play in tonight's game against the Memphis Grizzlies at Staples Center.

在侦查过程中,市局相关领导亲自坐镇玄武分局指挥。In the course of the investigation, the PUC charge related to the leadership of basaltic sub-command.

他的许多投资者,当然还是希望他能宝刀不老,坐镇股海,继续操刀,也许因为前面迎接他的,还有火红的夕阳。Many of his investors certainly hope he will stay on the job, since he may just be hitting his prime.

由于有费迪南德和布朗坐镇,曼联的防线还算稳固。Marshalled by Ferdinand and Wes Brown, however, United's defence rarely creaked under the Latics' pressure.

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加图索则会坐镇中场的位置,并且毫无疑问他将会努力。Gattuso , for his part, will be patrolling the Azzurri midfield and will no doubt be charged up on his return.

这位总统掌管着法国政府,而其总理弗朗斯瓦·菲永不过是个坐镇的傀儡。The president dominates France's government, over which his prime minister, Fran?ois Fillon, sits as a figurehead.

阿克巴为恩多战役设计了进攻策略。他在战役期间坐镇蒙卡拉马里星际巡洋舰“家园一号”。Ackbar developed the attack strategy for the Battle of Endor, and commanded the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Home One.