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但同时遗留了什么给后代?But what did it produce?

“这是一种遗留效应”。It is a carryover effect.

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我遗留了一本书在米莉家。I left a book at Millie's home.

遗留系统和应用程序适配器Legacy and application adaptors

他的汗衫遗留在了门厅。His vest has been left in the hall.

只遗留下残垣断壁的地窖And left no trace but the cellar walls

您是否在处理遗留设备?Are you dealing with legacy equipment?

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他的钱财将遗留给孩子们。His money will carry over to his children.

上一代将其知识遗留给下一代。One age bequeaths its knowledge to the next.

但这是父权制的遗留。But that's a patriarchal hang-up, says Quilliam.

这些项目混杂着遗留代码和新写代码。The projects are a mixture of legacy and new code.

露水会遗留痕迹在瓶坯的表面上。Condensate will leave marks on the preform surface.

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适合各种暗疮、粉刺所遗留的暗疮印肌肤使用。The acne mark skin left by various comedo and acne.

首先,一些危机时期的遗留问题亟待解决。First, some big crisis-era headaches are still to clear.

伊拉克很可能是布什所遗留下的一个焦点。Iraq is likely to be the focal point of the Bush legacy.

大规模的通货再膨胀将带来令人讨厌的债务遗留问题。The great reflation will come with a nasty debt hangover.

遗留环境中的数据库驱动的业务流程。Database-driven business processes in a legacy environment.

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海明威传奇的一生几乎在这里都可以找到遗留的痕迹。In Key West, I can just find a trace of his legendary life.

但是却晚了一步,只看到了小女孩遗留的蜻蜓。But late one step, only to see the little girl left dragonfly.

清理掉落或遗留在地上的显眼纸屑、瓶子和罐子。Clean up obvious paper, bottles and cans dropped on the ground.