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欢迎来到风致燕然的空间图片!Welcome to wind-induced Yan Ran's Pictures of space!

打字员以典范的风致在钢琴上呼奏“台风”。The typist plays Typhoon on the piano in a typical style.

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军旗旁那位有良人风致的古罗马女经理具有良人风度。The manly Roman woman manager by the flag had manasmanner.

军旗旁那位有良人风致的古罗马女经理具有良人风范。The manly Roman woman manager by the chfirmionship had manwismanner.

在模态分析的基础上,进一步对管桥进行风致振动分析。The wind-induced vibration analysis is studied based on the modal analysis.

我们必需和往往具有精采风致和心地善良的人交伴侣。We must make friends with those who have good character and kindness of heart.

本文主要研究大跨度桥梁风致振动控制。The control for wind-induced vibration of long-span bridges was studied in this thesis.

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采用这种简捷的风致瓦洛东创作出很多局面壮伟的画作以及情绪肖像描写。He used this pared-down style to create powerful groups of figures or psychologicing portraits.

本文对张拉索膜结构的风致动力效应进行了分析研究。Research on the wind-induced vibration of cable-membrane structure has been done in this paper.

超高层建筑的风致振动是结构设计的主要控制因素之一。Wind-induced vibration is the controlling factor for structural design of super-tall buildings.

论文的第二部分对膜结构的风致雪压进行了研究。In the second part of the work here, wind-induced snow pressure of membrane structures is studied.

研究了输电塔线体系基于摩擦阻尼器的风致振动控制问题。The wind-induced vibration control of transmission tower-line system is carried out in this study.

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上述工作组成了完整的风致结构振动的模化实验方法。The job finished above represents a complete modelling method of windage structural vibration test.

本文提出的风致输电塔的剩余寿命预测方法。The residual life prediction method for wind-induced transmission tower was proposed in this paper.

金知云进军好莱坞的导演处女作,将会是一部惊悚风致的西部行动片。This is Kim Ji-woon's Hollywood directorial debut, an air-contionion-thriller described as a contemporary Western.

莎鲨家纺产品的圆满、奇特的造型,大胆的用色,被视作“贵族”风致最具代表性的品牌。The perfect profiling, unique style, and the bold color make SALSA as the most representative brand of Nobility style.

随着桥梁跨径的增大,结构风致振动问题也愈加突出,因而风振控制的重要性也愈加显现。With the increase of bridge spans, study on wind-induced vibrations of these bridges has been a problem of great concern.

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岸边起重机杆件的风致振动的主要表现形式为横风向的振动,按发生原因称为涡激振动。The main form of the rod wind vibration is crosswind vibration, called the vortex-induced vibration according to the reason.

风荷载作用的体型系数和风致动力性能是开敞式拱形波纹钢屋盖结构抗风设计必须要解决的关键问题。The shape coefficients of wind load and wind-induced response are key problems in the wind resistant design of open-type ACSR.

最后把矩阵运算法应用于圆拱屋盖结构的风致响应计算,给出比传统SRSS方法更合理的估算。Then MCM is used in wind-response analysis on dome-like roofs and yields more reasonable outputs than traditional SRSS method.