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我是一个容易动心的人。I'm a soft-hearted man.

有男生追女孩,她动心了。A boy to chasing girls, she soon.

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好消息是价格仍很低,让人动心。The good news is that prices are still temptingly low.

即使就当前的价格而吉,导航电脑也足以令人动心。Even at current prices, a navigation computer is impressive.

面对着外面的广阔天地,姜海不可避免地有点动心了。Facing the outside world, Jiang Hai inevitably have a crush.

当利奥唱了一首情歌给詹尼弗听,詹尼弗便对他动心了。Jennifer had a crush on Leo after he sang a love song for her.

他的请求未能使在场的大多数股东动心。His plea unimpressed the vast majority of shareholders present.

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当我们能舒适安详的在一起时,我会更为你动心。We're often way more into you than we're comfortable letting on.

即便是我的“欧盟情节”也不会让我对买欧洲车动心。Not that even my pro-EU stance would cause me to buy a European car.

花开花落,总让人动心与伤心。交替出现,终将永生。The flowers bloom, let people with sad. In turn, will be eternal life.

但即便是给他提供一辆轿车供他用,他也没有动心。But even the offer of a car for his use was not enough to entice Dilan.

何萱听了很动心,鼓励泽铭坚持他的梦想。He Xuan listened very tempted to encourage ze Ming insists on his dream.

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对那些不会动心的人们而言,这里有一种不那么灰暗的选择。For those who won't be swayed, there is hope for less grizzly alternative.

尽量不去对一些或有或无的事动心,静下心听自己的声音。Try not to some or not. Soon, the static under heart to hear their own voice.

赫斯渥的目光像情人的喁喁情话一样动人,而且更加让人动心。Hurstwood's glance was as effective as the spoken words of a lover , and more.

否则,即使老约翰让他们碎尸万段,你也不会动心的,大夫。You would have let old John be cut to bits, and never given it a thought, doctor.

钱串子夸奖孙维君真是漂亮了,连自己都动心了。Money-oriented praise Sun Weijun is really beautiful, and even oneself all tempted.

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但是,审查美联储真正让人动心的是揪出其背后的黑手。But the really appetizing part of auditing the Fed is knowing what stands behind it.

所以一个男人可能夸大他所拥有的东西,让自己显得更能让女人动心。So a man may overstate what he has to make himself appear more desirable to a woman.

在卧室,你喜欢男人或女人穿什么来让你动心?GIO What do you like to see your men and women wearing in the bedroom to turn you on?