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窗外,她看到树木葱葱,鸟儿啭啼。Outside her window she could see the tress with birds singing.

葱葱树木不断吸附海雾,在干旱荒芜之中创造出一片湿润的绿洲。The trees capture sea mist, creating a damp oasis amid the aridity.

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窗外,她看到树木葱葱,鸟儿啭啼。Outside her window she could see the green trees with birds singing.

那些青葱葱的田间记着查利云第一次去田里插秧。The green fields remember the first time went transplanting rice seedlings.

校园内绿意葱葱,有小桥庭台,大片草地,阳光充足,是孩子们成长的乐园。Lush green campus, Bridges, large grass court, sunny, is the children's growth.

在观景台上能看到卑尔根、海湾及周围葱葱群山最好的风光。You get the best view over Bergen, the fjords and the surrounding pine-covered mountai from the belvedere.

在观景台上能看到卑尔根、海湾及周围葱葱群山最好的风光。You get the best view over Bergen, the fjords and the surrounding pine-covered mountains from the belvedere.

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官方葱葱将邓玉娇送到精神病院,称她包中发现的抗抑郁剂表明她的精神并不稳定。Officials whisked Ms Deng off to a mental asylum , saying that antidepressant pills found in her bag showed she was psychologically unstable.

场地大部分都还没开发,葱葱郁郁,是野生动物的良好聚居地。Largely undeveloped and lush, the site is home to a great collection of wildlife including pheasants, peafowl and the occasional raccoon dogs.

在美国的肯塔基州,两只白尾鹿在青草葱葱的牧场上食草。当秋季到来,它们成熟的时候,它们红棕色的皮毛会变成灰棕色。Twin white-tailed deer fawns feed in a grassy meadow in Kentucky, US. Their reddish-brown coats will turn to a grey-brown as they mature in the autumn.

这里周围绿树葱葱,有一些令人感到舒适的小木屋和娱乐设施,工作人员来自海军和海军陆战队。Camp David is a beautiful wooded site, with comfortable cabins and recreational facilities, staffed by men and women from the navy and the Marine Corps.

沿路的标志标明普韦布洛祖先所用的树木和植物,同样,沿路的刺柏和松树使得梅萨维德保持绿意葱葱。Signs along the path point to trees and plants used by the Ancestral Puebloan people. Also along the path are the juniper and pinon pine trees that make Mesa Verde green.

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我衷心希望,通过我们的共同努力,我们的生活将会大变样——早上起来,阳光明媚,树木葱葱,生机勃勃,花儿朝我们微笑。I sincerely hope that, with our joint effort, we will start our days differently ––we wake up in the morning with the sun shining, trees bursting with strength, and flowers smiling at us.

我衷心希望,通过我们的共同努力,我们的生活将会大变样——早上起来,阳光明媚,树木葱葱,生机勃勃,花儿朝我们微笑。I sincerely hope that, with our joint effort, we will start our days differently –– we wake up in the morning with the sun shining, trees bursting with strength, and flowers smiling at us.

味道馥郁的坚果,甜美浓香的巧克力,在绿荫葱葱山峦环抱的亚玛逊河上,飘着一只红身白帆的小船,船上一对情侣正在收获着只属于他们的甜蜜爱情。On the Amazon surrounded by green mountains, there is a red boat with white sail. Deep fragrance of nuts and sweet scent chocolates decorate the love story made by the lovers on that sailboat.