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你的眉目之间。Between your eyes and eyebrows.

这时,我们的计划开始有了眉目。Our plans now began to take shape.

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那件事渐渐有了眉目。That matter is settling into shape.

这个计划在我脑子里逐渐有了眉目。The plan has come into my mind eventually.

艺术总监的那个刚有点眉目的PSD?That half-started PSD from the art director?

她的哥哥是一位眉目清秀的年轻男士。Her brother is a tall good-looking young man.

议论没能让事变有个眉目。The discussions throw no light on the matter.

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现在,我们有一些眉目了。However, some light is now being shed on this.

好长时间后,我们才似乎有了点儿眉目。It was a long time before we seemed to make progress.

我爸爸向我转过身,惊讶地扬起眉目。My father turns toward me, eyebrows lifted in surprise.

一个眉目纤秀、令人喜爱的少女在看着我。A young woman of delicate, dreamy features looked up at me.

夏天的时候,卡恩斯的发明已经有些眉目了。By the summer, Kearns had built a working model of his invention.

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经过几个月的商讨,和平协议渐渐有了眉目。After months of discussion, a peace agreement is gradually taking shape.

妈妈快出院了,可常安调查AI的事还是没有眉目。Mommy was released from the hospital, but Chang An survey AI things or not.

谢谢妳让这个确实很复杂的主题有了些眉目。Thank you for shedding some light on what is really a very complicated subject.

如果你阅读了这整篇文档,对下一步该如何做,您应该有些眉目了。If you read this whole page, you'll get a good feel for what you need to pick up next.

先绕小圈子巡了一下,再扩大圈子游了一会,什么眉目也没有。She cruised in a small circle, then a larger one, without seeing anything encouraging.

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简怡推说事情已经有些眉目了,自己能解决,并且谢谢楚渝的好意。JianYi pleaded that has started to enter the picture, you can solve, thank ChuYu and kindness.

你想要搞明白的事情看上去有了眉目,而进一步使它明朗化实在是很有意思。Whatever you're trying to understand seems clearer, and figuring it out further is actually fun.

五年过去,陈秋石还不知道家中已有一个儿子,儿子生得眉目清秀可爱之极。Over the past five years, Chen Qiushi also dont know home has a son, the son born to add very cute.