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而“公司”如果找到他将会格杀勿论。And the Company will shoot him on sight if he's found.

任何人反对我们的组织格杀勿论。Anyone who opposes our organization will get rubbed out.

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英国是否对爱尔兰共和军格杀勿论?Did Britain adopt a shoot-to-kill policy against the IRA?

犯人严禁接近围栏,违者格杀勿论。Prisoners were forbidden to approach the fence under pain of death.

但是我们决不能袖手旁观,当一个暴君对他们民众说他将要格杀勿论的时候”。But we can’t stand idly by when a tyrant tells his people that there will be no mercy.

他们继续道,“‘格杀勿论’政策只被赞比亚政府的狩猎巡防队用于自卫。They go on, “The ‘shoot to kill policy’ is only used by Zambian government Game Scouts in self defense.

他们继续道,“‘格杀勿论’政策只被赞比亚政府的狩猎巡防队用于自卫。They go on, "The 'shoot to kill policy' is only used by Zambian government Game Scouts in self defense."

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他的政权曾下令对伊拉克北部一些库尔德人村庄15至70岁的村民格杀勿论。His regime once ordered the killing of every person between the ages of 15 and 70 in certain Kurdish villages in northern Iraq.

敬告各位,此地归本人所有——峡谷50英尺地带。清溪区法律批准,违者格杀勿论。All and everybody, this is my claim, fifty feet on the gulch, according to Clear Creek District Law, backed by shotgun amendments.

就在去年冬天,他下达了“格杀勿论”的命令,称布巴非常危险,“需要远离人群。”This past winter, he placed a shoot-to-kill order, declaring Bubba dangerous and saying the bear 'needs to go out of the population.

莉莎向“将军”递交了辞呈。“公司”的技术人员发现了赛尔夫和格雷琴在街上的踪迹。“将军”命令手下对他们俩格杀勿论。Lisa gives Pad Man her resignation. The Company techies find Self and Gretchen on the street. Pad Man orders his men to shoot them on sight.

到了80年代后期,包括肯尼亚在内的一些国家已经发现了问题的严重性,遂采取了严厉地格杀勿论政策,允许公开枪毙偷猎者。By the late eighties, some countries, including Kenya, had found the problem serious enough to institute a shoot-to-kill policy, allowing poachers to be shot on sight.

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星期一早些时候,联合国人权事务高级专员皮莱说,叙利亚政府显然对平民采取了“格杀勿论”的政策。Earlier Monday, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, Navi Pillay, said the Syrian government has resorted to an apparent "shoot-to-kill" policy against civilians.

他们惯于活剥受害者的皮,对于任何企图逃跑或反抗政府的人,他们格杀勿论,并把他们的尸体堆在城门外。They used to skin their victims alive and to any who attempted to escape or rebel against the government – they were killed and their bodies were piled up outside of the city gates.

后来,军队将清除其余的幸存者和他们有一个格杀勿论令是否有任何反抗,使他们成为一个标签在每个人的营地将获得印有编号和。Later the army will purge the rest of the survivors and they have a shoot to kill order if there is any resistance to bring them into the camps where every one will get marked with a number and a tag.