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猪把食槽拱翻了。The pig nosed the trough down.

他在食槽里放了些草。He put some grass in the manger.

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这些猪在一个食槽里吃食。The pigs fed off the same trough.

它的食槽里面积了一英寸的水。His trough had an inch of rainwater in it.

一个黑洞被气体围绕,就好像一只被食槽环绕着的猪。A black hole scarfs gas like a pig at a trough.

他们坐着狼吞虎咽,就像猪在食槽边吃食一样。They sat gobbling their food like pigs at a trough.

他摇摇晃晃地倒栽在威伯的食槽边上。He swayed and toppled and landed on the edge of Wilbur's trough.

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木匠仓促之中把这棵树作成了一个普通简陋的食槽,用来喂养牲畜。Rater, she was made into a plain and rough feed box for animals.

但是木匠却把这棵树制成了一个供动物喂食用的食槽。But the carpenter fashioned the tree into a feed box for animals.

木匠仓促之中把这棵树做成了一个普通简陋的食槽,用来喂养牲畜。Rather, she was made into a plain and rough feed box for animals.

只见它小心翼翼的钻出来,向食槽的边缘靠近。Cautiously Templeton pulled himself up over the edge of the trough.

威尔伯跑出去,飞快的吃掉了所有东西,还把食槽舔得一干二净。Wilbur rushed out, ate everything in a hurry, and licked the trough.

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做完所有的这些,他才提起了那桶猪食,威尔伯站在食槽边上,都饿得流口水了。Then he picked up the pail. Wilbur stood in the trough, drooling with hunger.

瞬间来历,他就看见耗子的尖鼻头从木头食槽下面探出来。In a moment he saw the rat's sharp nose poke out from underneath the wooden trough.

年轻的母亲一边轻轻地把这个婴孩放在食槽里的干草上,一边轻轻地给孩子哼唱着动人的摇篮曲。The new mother sang a lullaby as she gently laid her Son on the hay in the feed box.

绑在那里的食槽啪地一声掉了下来,正好砸在那下面的鹅蛋上。The trough tipped up and then came down with a slap. The goose egg was right underneath.

他慢慢地走到食槽前,用鼻子搜寻着,想找找是否有忘了吃的午餐。He walked slowly to his food trough and sniffed 11 to see if anything had been overlooked at lunch.

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扎克曼先生到了猪栏边,跨过围栏,把泔水倒进食槽。When Mr. Zuckerman reached the pigpen, he climbed over the fence and poured the slops into the trough.

七点到八点,威尔伯打算跟坦普尔顿聊聊天儿,坦普尔顿是住在它食槽下面的一只老鼠。From seven to eight, Wilbur planned to have a talk with Templeton, the rat that lived under his trough.

邓普利顿拿走的那个臭鹅蛋正好在食槽的下面,这会被压碎了,发出一股令人恐怖的臭味。The goose egg was right underneath. There was a dull explosion as the egg broke, and then a horrible smell.