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壮志雄心地投入到食品营养的研发上。For its ambitious nutrition R&D.

但这样的安排合乎他的雄心。But it was true to his ambitions.

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关山戎马英雄心,魂牵梦萦女儿情。Military hero of heart, beloved daughter.

为国增光是他的雄心。The glory of his country is his ambition.

为国增光是他的雄心。The glory of his country was his ambition.

品尝垂死的雄心那苦涩的滋味。Tasted the bitter taste of dying ambitions.

我仍然怀有做一名记者的雄心大志。I still had plenty of journalistic ambitions.

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她的雄心受到来自她家庭的限制。Her ambition was straitjacketed by her family.

这并不意味着雄心已到了穷途末路。This does not mean that ambition is at an end.

但他的雄心很快就驱动他到了纽约。But his ambition quickly drove him to New York.

我有一个年轻与雄心万丈的中国朋友。I have a very young and ambitious Chinese friend.

没有雄心的人被称为没出息的或者懒惰的人。A person without ambition is said to be shiftless.

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就像您说的,这是一个很大的雄心。As you described it yourself, it's a high ambition.

它是权力、高贵、奢华和雄心的象征。It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition.

作为一名利物浦球员,你必须有这样的雄心。As a Liverpool player you have to have these ambitions.

远离那些试图蔑视你壮志雄心的人。Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.

小手册透露出这些小将雄心的还真有不少。The ambitions of the young and talented also reveal a lot.

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他的辉煌成功超越了他的壮志雄心。He outreached his own ambitions by his spectacular success.

我钦佩她想成为超一流科学家的雄心。I admire for her ambition to become a first-rate scientist.

今后我们希望着手达致的目标,同样是雄心万丈的。What we still hope to achieve together is no less ambitious.