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只有水鸭和天鹅还在戏水。Ducks and swans are the only residents now.

湖上有几只鹅和鸭在戏水。Some geese and ducks are swimming on the lake.

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我们走过一个池塘,塘中鸭儿在戏水。We passed a pool in which ducks were swimming.

看那只在河里四处戏水的河马!Look at the hippo splashing about in the river!

鸭子在昔日的农田里戏水。Ducks paddled on ponds that had once been farmland.

我们在戏水滑道玩得非常开心。We all had so much fun riding the 30-foot warter slide.

动物园的池塘里,鸳鸯正在成双成对地戏水。In the zoo pond, the mandarin ducks are swimming in pairs.

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“水空间”以戏水、玩水、观水为主要活动内容。In Water Space the main activity is playing & viewing water.

鹰击长空,水獭戏水,那是米诺尔人的家乡。The eagles fly and the otters play, In the land of the Seminole.

此时的蒂米已经开始学步,同他的外祖父一道在海边的浪花里戏水嬉闹。Timmy, now a toddler, splashed in the surf with his grand- father.

不会游泳的人,在海边戏水,互相把水泼到身上。People can't swim, paddle in the sea, splashed water to each other.

有的石如金牛戏水,双狮对耍,白鹤飞天。Some stone such as the Jinniu Water, Shuangshi to play, the crane fly.

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对狗而言,这是基本需求,就好比鸟儿飞翔、鱼儿戏水一样,而狗则需要溜溜。To your dog, that’s a primal activity―birds fly, fish swim, and dogs walk.

一名男孩在中国浙江省的一条长满浮萍的江中戏水乘凉。A boy cools off in a river covered with duckweed in China's Zhejiang Province.

在传说中,大东海是三亚落笔峰落笔洞黑龙戏水的地方。In legend, the East China Sea is Sanya Labi Labi-hole Heilonggang Water place.

那一夜,欢喜的泪染湿了绣着两只戏水鸳鸯的红色枕头。That night, joy and tears dye wet embroidered with two mandarin duck red pillow.

下游为白马涧溪涧,供游人戏水、观光。The lower reaches of the White Horse Streams, for visitors playing and tourists.

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游乐有垂钓、摸鱼戏水、斗鸡、射猎、地方戏表演等。There are fishing, fish swim, play cockfighting, hunting, local opera performances.

只见水流从30米高处泄下,在底部形成了一个可供戏水的水池。The water cascade down a 30 m drop, forming a nice pool below which you can swim in.

在炎炎夏日,没有什麽事比去海边戏水更让人愉快的了。During the hot summer, nothing makes people happier than going swimming at the beach.