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它是十三陵建造的第一座皇陵。It was the first of 13 tombs built here.

几个世纪以来,我们的家族都在皇陵守护着。My family has watch over the emperor's tombs for centuries.

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以典型的贵族墓葬建筑、皇陵建筑为研究对象。A typical Tombs building, Mausoleum construction for the study.

太原五龙和皇陵路挨着么?Taiyuan five dragons and imperial mausoleum roads in sequence of?

所以真正的皇陵地宫我们现在是看不到的。So the real underground palace is still unavailable for us to see.

而我们中国的秦始皇陵是世界上最大的地下皇陵。And China's Qin Shihuang Mausoleum is the largest imperial tomb underground.

皇陵的建造耗时38年,总用工超过70万人。Construction of the mausoleum lasted 38 years and involved over 700000 workers.

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是第一座由国务院批准有计划发掘的皇陵。It is the first imperial mausoleum excavated on the approval of the State Council.

最后,皇帝会在一个黄道吉日安葬在皇陵。Finally, the deceased emperor was buried in the imperial mausoleum on a selected day.

哎,皇陵选在这里可不光是因为这里景色好。The site for the tomb was chosen to be here not just because of the nice scenery here.

各个时代的皇陵墓葬建筑,按地域、按等级差别加以论述故而条理分明。Mausoleum burial buildings of every age, by region, by class differences to be discussed in Guer coherent.

你需要用其中一天的大部分时间参观兵马俑,因为从市区去皇陵大概要两小时车程。You need most of one day for the warriors, since the excavation site is about a 2-hour drive from the city.

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我觉得你不过是个跳梁小丑罢了,妄图去破坏皇陵,用诅咒术杀我?I feel that you are just a petty burglar, does the wild diagram break emperor Ling and use to curse Shu to kill me?

为何至今变为一个倒锥形还不得而知,这与始皇陵的未被盗掘或有关系也说不定。Why it has become an inverted cone is still unknown, which is not only imperial tombs of the excavation, or has a relationship eventually.

变态男姓唐名潮,他是皇陵镇三大家族中的唐族后人,同时还是大唐集团的唯一继承人。Abnormal man surnamed tang Ming chao, he is the tang clan posterity in imperial tomb town three houses, is also the sole heir of datang group.

按照日记中描绘的地形图,夏梦寻独自一人驱车离开市区,长途跨涉来到了传说中的皇陵镇。According to the journal of topographic map, summer dream to drive off the city alone, long span and wade came to the town of the legendary tomb.

同时还介绍了清朝皇陵的建制、规模以及帝后王妃的下葬经过。The book also gives an account of how the system and scale of imperial mausoleums were developed and how emperors, empresses, kings, queens and concubines were buried.

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唐家、白家、以及夏家是皇陵镇的三大家族后人,唐父买下地皮意在重建皇陵镇。Tang, the White House, as well as the summer home is imperial tomb three houses in the town of later generations, Tang Fu bought land to rebuild the imperial tomb town.

天有不测风云,唐氏公司忽然被取消竞拍皇陵镇的资格,原因是公司未及时向主办方交纳保证金。It is the unforeseen that suddenly downs company was disqualified from the town of bidding tomb, the reason is that the company did not timely pay deposit to the organizers.

以东陵为例,通过对树木种植和管理,将儒家的文化和传统习俗凝聚在皇陵的修建上,借助皇陵这一象征的昭示和表达,以给清王朝的存在披上合法的外衣。This essay tries to elaborate on the trees' planting and management in Qing East Mausoleum, and convey the imperial effort to erect the mausoleum as a symbol of the Qing empire.