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人民警察必须做到公正执法。Police must enforce law justly.

您在国际执法学院修过什么课程?What course did you take at ILEA?

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她父亲是一个狡猾的老执法官。Her father was a wily old attorney.

但你的文明执法?But your civilization law enforcement?

加强执法监督力度。Strengthen law enforcement surveillance.

执法受到了阻挠。The execution of the law was obstructed.

他们既不知道有审判官,也不知道有执法官。Neither judge nor bailiff is known there.

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执法人员没有受伤。No law enforcement officers were injured.

这名法官执法公正无私。The judge dispenses the law without bias.

现在执法官总监克拉克将为大家说几句。Director Clark will now make a few remarks.

执法官如果我知道的话,你现在已经知道答案了。However, we will tell you about two of them.

你执法当然要警官证了!You should have police ID to enforce the law.

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公正执法是法官的职责。It is the duty of a judge to deal out justice.

法官和法庭公正执法。Judges and law courts dispense justice justly.

只有这样,执法才能在财政上自给自足。Then, enforcement could become self-financing.

正是这部执法答应全部成年女子拥有推举权并担当公职。It allowed all adult men to vote and hold office.

我认为这场比赛裁判执法的非常好。I thought the referee officiated the game very well.

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警察局长狄龙是这一地区最公正的执法官。Marshal Dillon was the most just judge in this area.

这场比赛将由来自威尔士的德里克克·贝文执法。The match will be refereed by Derek Bevan from Wales.

这需要科利在执法时对球员放松些。It needs Collina to be in charge to relax the players.