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勿在近火源处存放或使用。Do not use or store near fire.

保持镇静,检查所有火源。Keep calm and check all fire sources.

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尽快的爬不要停下来直到你离开火源地。Don’t stop until you’re well away from the fire.

防火装置可阻止儿童靠近火源。A fireguard prevents children getting near the fire.

火源一定就在沃尔夫·莱森身边。The source of the smoke must be very close to Wolf Larsen.

不要靠近火源或者热源,存放在儿童不能接近的地方。Keep away from fire and heat , keep out the reach of children.

易爆物品,应始终使用附近的热和火源。Flammables should always be used near sources of heat and flame.

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勿近火源,不可存放于高温地方,勿让儿童玩耍。Keep it away from fire or high temperature, and away from children.

一旦燃料接触火源,他将喷出一个很大区域的放射性物质。If the fuel catches fire, it could spew radiation over a large area.

储藏保存于阴暗阴凉处并且远?阳光直射及火源处。Storage Keep in dark , cool place and keep away from the sun or fire place.

这个新厂包括三个长度达354英尺的单火源、单层窖,一个同样长度的双层在烧制窖。Single deck kilns, 354' long and one double deck refire kiln, equally as long.

你的背带是易燃物品,使用时请远离火种或其他火源。Your sling is flammable. Do not use it near open flames or other heat sources.

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本品专业使用,远离火源,儿童不宜接触。This specialized use, the far away fire hazard, the child contacts not suitably.

应马上关闭离火源最近的通风设备、人孔等,等待消防人员的到来。I will close the ventilation, manholes and hatches until the firefighting team arrives.

将速燃、易燃物品存储在远离火源的指定地点。Store quick-burning, flammable materials in designated locations away from ignition sources.

排气螺丝应该位于开启位置,并且在焊接时要有遮盖以免被火源烧到。The purge screw should be in the open position and shielded from direct heat when soldering.

重点是降低系统含氧浓度和控制火源。The emphases sare on the reduced content level of system oxygen and controlled source of fire.

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体育馆内气流组织形式不同,对火灾中火源产生的烟气运动影响也不同。Different air distribution in gymnasiums has different influence on smoke movement when fire happens.

湿围裙不会那么快就被烤干的,所以我就让它离火源更近一些,结果正好碰到了余烬。The apron did not dry quickly enough to suit me, so I drew nearer and threw it right over the hot ashes.

森林大火往往产生大量的浓烟,大火很难控制是因为很难找到火源。Wildfires that produce a lot of smoke are difficult to manage because the source of fire can be hard to see.