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肉体意味着躯体和物质。Corporeal means bodily ,material.

他的死亡使其灵魂脱离了躯体。His death disembodied his spirits.

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我们就得到了一些空的躯体。So now we've got some spare torsos.

只留在这里我昏沉的躯体.Stay murky body , I of here , only.

你残破的躯体属于哈卡。Your broken body belongs to Hakkar.

他的躯体发现在楼栋里。His body was found in the Floor hole.

我年轻的躯体在森中化为白骨。In the forest my young body bleaches.

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拿破仑的躯体在法国腐烂了。Napoleon's corpse is rotted in France.

那就是说我们不仅仅只是个躯体。That is to say we are not just bodies.

在另一些文化里,你将占有另一个躯体Others have you occupying another body.

事实上,它也不完全是人类的躯体Indeed, it's not just any old human body.

我的朋友,你是纯净而无躯体的,你也没有内心。You are Pure and Bodiless. You have no mind.

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或者说是,躯体移植。or as we might put it, a torsel transplant.

瓢虫可以将自己的头缩回到躯体中去。A ladybug can retract its head into its body.

他的躯体僵硬,就如墓地里的一尊雕像。His body was hard, like a statue in a cemetery.

不好不坏,只是一个尚可呼吸的躯体。Neither better nor worse, just a breathing body.

目的探讨神经症患者的躯体化症状。Objective To study somatic symptoms in neuroses.

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那些躯体一直在被分割成碎片?not just here--everywhere in O'Connor's fiction?

移情,反移情,躯体疗法。Transference, Countertransference and Body Therapy.

面前躺着的,只是一具心脏尚在跳动的无脑躯体。A body with a beatingheart and no functioning brain.