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他被授予伯爵爵位。He was awarded earldom.

国王授予这位士兵骑士爵位。The king ennobled the soldier with knighthood.

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女王授于两位银行家爵士爵位。The Queen conferred knighthoods on two bankers.

以共和为男爵爵位的调味品。The Republic makes a good sauce for the barony.

因其杰出的功劳授予总理爵位。Ennoble a prime minister for distinguished service.

这是授封骑士爵位时的传统仪式。It was a traditional ceremony in creating a knight.

他们甚至可能生个儿子,继承史丹的爵位。They might even have a son, heir to the earldom of Stane.

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罗伯特的祖父曾在战后被授予从男爵爵位。Robert's grandfather was given the baronetcy after the war.

国王颁赐爵位这要职给将军。The king conferred the dignity of a peerage on the general.

公爵赴世之后,他的长子将继承他的爵位。When the duke dies, his eldest son will succeed to the title.

国公,应是开国勋臣所封授的爵位。Guo gong is a title of nobility granted to founders of a state.

阿瑟爵士拥有的准男爵爵位可追溯至查理一世时代。Sir arthur was the holder of a baronetcy dating back to charles i.

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凤舞委婉地解释了爵位的由来。The Feng dances tactfully occasion of unraveling the feudal title.

婚后,他被授予爱丁堡公爵的爵位。Upon their marriage, the title Duke of Edinburgh was created for him.

王说,末底改行了这事,赐他什么尊荣爵位没有。And the king said, What honour and dignity hath been done to Mordecai for this?

在婚礼上,女王授予他们二人约克公爵与公爵夫人的爵位。Upon their nuptials, the Queen bestowed on them the titles Duke and Duchess of York.

1915年,他被授予的爵士爵位,但在1919年阿姆利则惨案后,他毅然拒绝了这个荣誉。In 1915, he was knighted but repudiated the honour in 1919 after the Amritsar Massacre.

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1942年,因为他对荷兰抵抗运动的贡献,威廉敏娜女王给他授予了爵位。In 1942 he was knighted by Queen Wilhelmina for his contribution to the Dutch resistance.

十万金龙,50张来自富饶岛屿的兽皮,一座城堡和一个爵位。One hundred thousand golden dragons, fifty hides of fertile land, a castle, and a lordship.

罗西昂伯爵勃特拉姆的父亲新近死了,因此,伯爵的爵位和产业就由他来继承。Bertram, count of Rousillon, had newly come to his title and estate, by the death of his father.