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凭什么我们要和像你这样臭名昭彰的恶棍打交道?Why should we make a deal with a notorious scoundrel like you?

这个臭名昭彰的地方在最近的历史中发生了许多事情。The infamous spot where so much has happened in recent history.

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由于媒体的宣传,黑客一词臭名昭彰。Thanks to the media, the word "hacker" has gotten a bad reputation.

我发了个电报,报道了那个臭名昭彰的组织的罪恶。I have sent a cable describing the wickedness of that infamous organization.

建筑表现图因为复杂而混乱的psd文件而“臭名昭彰”。Architecture visualization is notorious for producing complex and messy PSD files.

但其实伊斯兰堡和华盛顿的关系早就已经臭名昭彰。But the relationship between Islamabad and Washington has long been ugly and disingenuous.

民主党参议员理查德•布鲁门塔呼吁尽快着手改革,消灭这种“臭名昭彰的传染病”。Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal called for swift reform to stop this "egregious epidemic".

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他在国际上臭名昭彰,主要原因是他在海外支持恐怖主义的政策,不过近年来他放弃了这一政策。He gained international notoriety mainly because of his policy, abandoned in recent years, of promoting terrorism abroad.

两国政府认为这样有助于有效控制螺旋式赌瘾症以及臭名昭彰的不正当行业。Lawmakers in both countries say the actions were necessary to bring under control spiraling addiction and a notoriously shady business.

原来全体船员已经被一个臭名昭彰的恐怖分子屠杀了,他们得合作对付恐怖分子,以免自己成为下一名受害者。The original crew has been a notorious terrorists killed, they had to cooperate against terrorists, or they become a victim of the next.

在这种情况下,我感谢这些真正激于公益的研究者,他们大部分人从未得到更臭名昭彰的诸兄弟的标题。In so stating , I thank those researchers who are genuinely motivated by the public good, most of whom never get the headlines of their more notorious brethren.