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猜疑伤害莫逆之交。Suspicion is the poison of true friendship.

良多年前,我有一个配头,咱们莫逆之交。Many years ago I had a friend, a dear friend.

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尽管年龄有差距,两人成为莫逆之交。Despite their age difference, they became friends.

自那天起我们就成了莫逆之交,直到他过世。We were friends from that day, until the day he died.

您是我在世界上的最高尚的莫逆之交。You are the best friend I have in the world and the noblest.

因情趣相投,他和一个年纪相仿的男人成为莫逆之交。Because congenial delight, he and a similar age man become true friendship.

这两个朋友平日里是莫逆之交,可到了星期六就成了对阵的敌人。The two boys were sworn friends all the week, and embattled enemies on Saturdays.

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我们看到了莫逆之交的朋友和挚爱之人在恶梦般的虫族手中丧生。We have seen first hand our friends and loved ones consumed by the nightmarish Zerg.

从那以后我们成了莫逆之交,他一有时间便来传授画技。We became the sworn friends from then on. He taught me how to paint whenever he was free.

那两个素昧平生的人在地震中互相帮助,后来成了莫逆之交。The two strangers helped each other during the earthquake and later became Damon and Pythias.

不论是否属于命中注定,但正是因为在美国,我才拥有这些心灵和思想的莫逆之交。Whether or not so intending , it was America gave me these enduring friends of my heart and mind.

这两个朋友平日里是莫逆之交,可到了星期六就成了对阵的敌人。This bosom friend was joe harper. the two boys were sworn friends all the week, and embattled enemies on saturdays.

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我常提到的那位黑衣男士,就是一个我希望与之结为莫逆之交的人,因为他深得我的景仰。The Man in Black, whom I have often mentioned, is one whose friendship I could wish to acquire, because he possesses my esteem.

一个老神甫和一个老战士,只要彼此都诚恳善良,原是最容易情投意合成为莫逆之交的。And moreover, when both are sincere and good, no men so penetrate each other, and so amalgamate with each other, as an old priest and an old soldier.

反而是那些身强体壮,看似粗线条的莽夫,当你接近他,成为他的莫逆之交时,你就会发现,他温柔可爱的一面。Those rough fellows look strong and mindless, but when you approach to them and become their close friend, you will find their loveliness and tenderness.

不过谢强很技巧地称,他与广州诸多发展商如珠江合生、富力地产、星河湾老总均为莫逆之交,谈不上厚此薄彼。However wake tactfully said that he and many developers such as Guangzhou and the Pearl River Hop, decimating real estate, Xinghewan mister are friends, not one.

读者的胃口已经被那些莫逆之交的历险吊了起来,但却无奈要等到2010年该小说第二部出版时,才能与他们再次相会。The readers who have been hooked by the adventures of the haha-bhais will have to wait until 2010, when the second instalment is due to be published, to meet them once more.

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这期间,我有幸结识了数以千计的中外家电领域知名的企业界人士,大家从互惠互利的商业伙伴,成为志趣相投的莫逆之交。And during which period, I am honored to have made friends with thousands of famous tycoons in home appliances field all of world. We become sworn friends from business partners.

亚楠是我来中央电视台结识的第一个朋友,他给我的鼓励和自信犹如雪中送炭,直到今天我们都是莫逆之交。Since I worked in CCTV, Ya'nan is the first whom I made friends with. His encouragement is like "sending charcoal in snowy weather"to me. Up to this moment we are still bosom friends.