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警戒森严。The caution is stern.

我喜欢玩红色警戒。I prefer to play Red Alert.

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连续警戒是否备便?Is the alert watch continuos?

他很爱玩红色警戒,LOL。He likes to play red-line, LOL.

警戒期间他们保持安静。They were quiet during the alert.

所有战位,我们进入黄色警戒。All Stations, we are at Yellow Alert.

罢工者被警戒禁止。Strikers were enjoined from picketing.

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警戒无声之狗会咬人,安静之水会覆舟。beware of a silent dog and still water.

在这段时间内,章鱼母亲一直在警戒状态。All this time, the mother is constantly on guard.

警戒委员会自然是如获至宝,还围绕着这份信设下了一个圈套。The Committee of Vigilance pounced on the letter.

他若受警戒,便是救了自己的性命。But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul.

年老时血气衰弱,要警戒,不可贪得无厌。In old age, he should abstain from acquisitiveness.

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存款保险资金在2009年进入红色警戒区。The deposit insurance fund fell into the red in 2009.

当警戒时,耳朵提高,可到头骨水平位置。Raised when alert, on level with the top of the skull.

美国还让它的导弹保持随时发射的警戒状态。America still keeps its missiles on launch-ready alert.

8月8日,布林克斯顿大街上警察站立警戒。Police officers stand on Brixton High Street on Aug. 8.

这种犬的典型表情为警戒。The typical expression of the breed is one of watchfulness.

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我们的船依然在该地区,我们仍然保持警戒。Our ship is in the area, and we are still keeping a lookout.

警卫展示一间位于最高警戒等级区域的样板囚室。A guard shows a display cell in the maximum-security section.

我卸下警戒,丢下心防,退去衣裳。So I let down my guard, drop my defenses, down by my clothes.