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汉代到清代的各式古迹Various Han through Qing Monuments.

伯沙对伦敦的古迹产生了很大的热情。There are a lot of historic spots in China.

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保护文物古迹。Protect historical sites and cultural relics.

子城,市中心也有古迹啊!Zicheng, a historic site right in the city center!

创造古迹销量,制造尖峰品位!Created miracle cotter quantity, create peak quality!

古崖居,一个千古之谜的人文古迹。Guyaju, an thousand year mystery of the human heritage.

最后当然要台南有名的小吃来做为古迹巡礼的结尾啰!At the end, we had the famous Tainan noodles in downtown.

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我想到一些有文物古迹的城市观光。I want to visit some Chinese cities with cultural relics.

与湖光山色交相辉映的有56处人文历史古迹。Each other and the beauty of 56 historic sites humanities.

像古宅一样,许多城市也有历史古迹。Like historic homes, many cities also have historic sites.

河北的文物古迹更是俯拾皆是。Hebei is also one of the provinces of many cultural relics.

中国有很多世界闻名的历史古迹,我想去看看。There're many world-known historic in China I'd like to visit.

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玉树有很多生命的古迹,很多让人敬佩的人与事。Yushu have many the miracle of life, a lot of people with you.

一个伟大的许多历史遗址和文物古迹。A great many historical sites and cultural relics have remained.

灵寿有众多的人文古迹和自然景观。Lingshou a large number of human heritage and natural landscape.

唐李白以来却一跃而成为文人热衷题咏的六朝古迹之一。However, since Li Po, it had become the favorite a literal theme.

诸位或许有兴趣听听这古迹的故事。It will perhaps interest you to hear the story of that pavillion.

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然几经兵燹,树木古迹几乎毁坏殆尽。Ran several times Bingxian, trees and monuments almost decimated.

他很高兴看到这栋房屋经过重新整修后,成了国家的历史古迹。He's glad it's been renovated and is now a national historic site.

中国有很多世界闻名的历史古迹,我想去看看。There're many world-known historic spots in China I'd like to visit.