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因为这里是指数函数。This is an exponential function.

这是指数函数的本质。This is the nature of an exponential function.

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只要看数据是否满足某个指数函数。Just see how well an exponential function fits the data.

因为我们低估了指数函数的增长。Because we underestimate the growth of exponential function.

尝试用指数函数也是很有趣的。It may also be interesting to try this with an exponential function.

指数函数是指数中出现变量的函数。An exponential function is one in which the variable appears in an exponent.

均匀随机变数偶指数函数之均值不确定范围之信心准位。The confidence level and uncertainty limit of even exponential of uniform R.

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对弹性模量按指数函数梯度变化的算例进行了分析。Some numerical examples are also given by assuming an exponential gradient function.

水稻颖花分化分为三个阶段,分别可用积温的直线函数、负指数函数和直线进行函数模拟。The third stages are the line, the negative exponential and line function of the GDD.

这与幂函数的求导和指数函数的求导有着密切的关系。This is related to the power function derivation and the exponential function derivation.

概括出的大部分操作指示都是计划着带来滚雪球般和指数函数的影响而设计的。Much of the instruction outlined is designed to have a snowballing and exponential effect.

温度升高,水解速率常数呈指数函数关系递增。The hydrolysis rate constant increases at a exponential function with temperature increase.

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平板接种效率与氯仿作用时间的关系符合指数函数。The correlation between the rate and the action time exactly filed the exponential function.

电影“让爱传出去,深刻地描述了,人类网络是指数函数的观点。Because in "Pay it Forward", they capture this very idea of human networks as exponential functions.

再一次,误导…,没有理解指数函数,因为我们不理解,指数变化的本质。Again, misleading-- fail to understand it because we don't understand the nature of exponential change.

运用关节位图和指数函数对步态特征进行了参数化描述。Phase plots and exponentials function were used for the parameterized description of human gait characters.

使用大理岩的试验结果与指数函数曲线作了对比,其结果令人满意。The comparision between the results from marble tests and the curve of exponential function was satisfactory.

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还是只有好的意图但不付出,必要的努力发挥正面指数函数的作用。Or just have the good intentions without the effort that's necessary to bring about a positive exponential function.

在初等分析中,从本质上来说,要么是指数函数的变种,要么是。In essence, all functions studied in elementary analysis are either variations of the exponential function or they are.

本文给出了一个计算本质非负三角阵的指数函数的高精度算法。In this paper, we present an algorithm to accurately compute the exponential of a triangular essentially nonnegative matrix.