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我语塞,支支吾吾地回避了她的问题。I'm serious. I avoided her question.

别支支吾吾的,快亮明你的观点。Don't hum and haw, but air your views.

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他讲述个人经历时总是支支吾吾。He hesitated constantly in telling his story.

她支支吾吾,想使那件事保密。She shuffled , trying to keep it as a secret.

在表演中的表演者支支吾吾。The performer faltered in the middle of the show.

三年过去了,调查行动仍是支支吾吾。Three years later, the investigation has stalled.

他先是支支吾吾,可最后还是跟我说了实话。He hummed and hawed but finally told me the truth.

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我一问到他的妻子,他支支吾吾回答不出来了。He began to hem and haw when I asked about his wife.

在警察要求男孩说出他的姓名时,他支支吾吾。The boy faltered when the policeman demanded his name.

其他的支支吾吾,玉芝也就不问了,照样高高兴兴的。Other hem and haw , Yuzhi have not asked, and still happy.

四十年以来,西方对于这个人物,一直支支吾吾。Around this figure the West, for four decades, prevaricated.

当这种情况发生的时候,不要慌张,也不要支支吾吾,无心作答。When this happens, don’t panic and start to babble nonsense.

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他支支吾吾地兜圈子,就是不肯说出我要知道的问题。He hemmed and hawed around and didn't tell me what I wanted to know.

她支支吾吾地说她可以再去当艺妓,或者不如去死的好。She stammers that she could be a geisha again, or better, she could die.

当他们压力过大时,你是可以辨别出来的,因为他们会支支吾吾、犹豫不决。You can tell when they're stressed out, they'll equivocate and vacillate.

同事支支吾吾了半天才说,听说我是一头扎进了总经理怀里。Members hum and haw a half-day before that I heard was one of the arms into.

但是健支支吾吾,他在桥上的记忆也开始动摇。But Takeru hems and haws , as his memory of the incident on the bridge keeps shifting.

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我们希望你别支支吾吾了,停止你神经质的自我折磨吧,加入我们的聚会。We want you to drop your trip, come out of your neurotic self-involvement, join the party.

好啦,亲爱的。你不许再这样支支吾吾啦!不许再问了!不许再怀疑了!Now listen, darling. None of your quibbling! None of your questioning! None of your doubts!

中国本来就对捐粮有点支支吾吾,而朝鲜的不知感恩可能又潜在的减少了捐赠量。China coy about food donations, but North Korean ingratitude probably reduces the potential amount.