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还有,要懂得学会利用玩牌时的座次!Also, to know how to learn to use the order of seats!

然而,今年你会看到一个不同的座次安排。This year, though, you might see a different seating arrangement.

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他们仍有与黄蜂交手的机会,将会凭借一场胜利获得座次优势。They still play the Hornets and will own the tiebreaker with a win.

他拒绝在他的办公室里建立起最基本的座次。He had refused to establish even a basic pecking order in his office.

你可用这些姓名做一个座次表,并给每个编上号。You can make a seating plan with the names and give each one a number.

狮子大王召集十二生肖开会,商量排座次的事。The lion king called the twelve zodiac meeting to discuss what row seating.

从2002年起,他在世界前十的每个座次上都至少呆了一周。He’s been ranked in every position inside the top 10 at least once since 2002.

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事实上,两家公司在科技行业的实力座次当中处于非常不同的位置。Indeed, the two companies sit very differently in the technology pecking order.

而从座位座次来看,也能够体现出两大热门科技公司的重要性。The view from the seats seating, and can reflect the importance of the two hot technology companies.

用期盼的目光,打量着每一排座位及座位上的人们,试图找个座次。With eager eyes, she looked around the people in every row of seats in order to find a seat for her.

哦,这事容易,我给你开一个名单,你可以用这些姓名做一个座次表,并给每个编上号。I will write you a list of their names. You can make a seating plan with the names and give each one a number.

不过,由于2009年中国GDP总量略微低于日本,将这一座次变化推迟了半年。But the gross GDP in 2009 was a little less than that of Japan, so that the ranking was delayed for half of a year.

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而最让人不能接受的,则是根据公民足球热情为列强排座次——这样挪威坐第一把交椅,说不定还真是。The least convincing is an attempt to rank countries by their enthusiasm for football. Norway comes top, which may be right.

上班时候哪种浪费时间行为最体面?人们心中有个座次排位,电脑游戏位居末列。There is a peckingsgroupsin the respectability of time-wasting activities at work, and computer games are at the bottom of it.

依照他们的标准,一个人的伟大只能根据其生前所积攒财富的多少去排定座次。By their standard, therefore, the greatness of a person can be only ranked according to how much wealth he has accumulated before his death.

用这种交替座次登机的方法,旅客可以同一时间顺着过道有足够的间隔在同一条平行线上整理行李。By boarding alternate rows in this way, passengers are spaced far enough apart along the aisle to stow their luggage in parallel, all at the same time.

以下的流言,不分座次,皆非事实。不过,都是证据,是比尔·盖茨在世界上不可磨灭的遗痕。None of the following rumors, listed in no particular order, are true, but they all serve as proof that Bill Gates is leaving an indelible mark on the world.

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我给所有想同样自己订票的人的建议是,打印好列车号、出发城市、目的城市、日期、时间以及你想要的这张火车票的优先座次。My suggestion for anyone who wish to do the same, print out the train number, departure city, arrival city, date, time, preferred seat of your desired train ticket.

另外,俱乐部是否会如之前计划的那样由60,000人容量的阿尔卑体育场迁入24,000人座次的奥林匹克体育场还不能确定。It remains to be seen whether the club will this year be able to move from their unpopular 60,000-capacity Stadio delle Alpi to the 24,000-seat Olympic Stadium as previously planned.

然而,随着香港恒生指数和沪深指数屡屡创下惊人跌幅,富豪们的座次也早已被打乱重排。However, as Hong Kong constant deep index of unripe index and Shanghai is achieved time and again breathtaking drop, plute people order of seats also is thrown into confusion already recomposition.