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轻轻的,迈过这低低的门槛。Quietly, you cross the threshold.

而现在,唯一的门槛就是勇气。Now the only threshold is courage.

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似乎11个小时就是一个门槛。The 11-hour mark appeared to be key.

我的脚趾碰到门槛上。I stumped my toe against the doorsill.

新技术正把这些政治门槛吹开。New technologies are blowing them open.

门槛之内,群英纷芳。Threshold inside, bunch English Fen Fang.

昨天夜里我是在地狱的门槛上。Last night I was on the threshold of hell.

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可畏此门槛亘着先知古誓、Terrific threshold of the prophet's pledge

李美琳的专业入学门槛曾经很高。Li's major had a high entrance requirement.

将10-英里乳酸门槛跑,变作坡道训练。Turn a 10-mile tempo run into a hill workout.

你为什么用这么高的门槛?难道你不知道这样容易让人摔倒?Don't you know it can make people tumble down?

铜绿色的门板,门槛已经磨损。The one in green copper, worn into gaps below.

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英国的市场很开放,很少有准入门槛。Liberalised markets mean few barriers to entry.

绝大多数参加方适用一般门槛金额。Most Parties apply the general threshold levels.

你们来到斯坦福,你知道的,这么高的门槛。You come to Stanford, you know, such a high bar.

服装行业似乎没有什么门槛。It seems there is no doorsill in the clothing sector.

所以他对知识建构起了一个很高的门槛。So he sets a very very high threshold, for knowledge.

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地图刚刚跨过了这道门槛,基因图谱也快了。Maps just crossed that threshold. Genetics is about to.

卡布一脚跨过门槛,把她推开。Cabe stepped across the threshold and brushed her aside.

中国开始这个进程的门槛很低。China has embarked on that process from a low threshold.