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马基雅维利开创了先河。Machiavelli, you might say, cleared the brush.

这便是“茶禅一味”思想的先河。This is the "Zen tea blindly" thinking precedent.

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他们从去年先河不绝都在做这个项目。Theyhave ever been working on this project since last year.

他对短篇小说的形式进行了精细加工,也开创了侦探小说之先河。He refined the short story genre and invented detective fiction.

就全国的木刻运动而言,客家人在诸多方面开了先河。Hakka people once played a positive role in the woodcut movement.

这当然是一个先河--每次宣布独立都是先河。Of course it is. Every declaration of independence is a precedent.

1982年可口可乐又开历史先河,推出“减肥可乐”。In l982, Coca-Cola made history with the introduction of "DIET coke."

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俄勒冈重镇是领美国城市之先河,或者仅是个特例?Is Oregon's metropolis a leader among American cities or just strange?

他被公认是文艺复兴艺术中现实主义的开先河者。He is commonly considered the first of the realists in Renaissance art.

气象笑剧从速就要先河了,快调到一频道。The situation comedy is going to start soon. Just switch to channel one.

开创先河用1688诚信通做外贸做批发做零售!First started in 1688 integrity through doing wholesale and retail trade do !

反对越战的美国青年开了嬉皮文化的先河。The hippies ③started out as young Americans who were opposed to the Vietnam War.

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一旦从黑石开先河,一道中国金钱的围墙将竖立起来。A Chinese wall of money will be on its way, once the Blackstone precedent has been set.

他以心性学说作为判断是非的标准,破除儒家思想的藩篱,开一代子学复兴之先河。His theory broke down the barrier of Confucianism and revived other schools of thoughts.

毫无疑问,开放教育资源开创了高等教育的先河。Undoubtedly, open educational resources have given higher education unprecedented reach.

我们完全可以说,赶州桥首开了敞肩拱式桥型的先河。We can say that it is Zhaozhou Bridge that marks the advent of the open-spandrel bridge.

Loeb开创了将信用卡账单作为销售杂志的工具的先河。Loeb pioneered the use of credit card billing statements as a vehicle for magazine sales.

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他们的使金诗作可以说开南宋使金文学之先河。Mission poems can be regarded as the beginning of mission poems of Southern Song Dynasty.

对其他人而言,他却为洛克的思想,以及政府自由主义理论开创了先河。And yet for others, he opened the door to John Locke and the liberal theory of government.

这部电影也开创了对扮演士兵的演员进行军事化训练的先河。This began the whole practice of training actors to toughen them up for roles as soldiers.