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莫小贝由王莎莎扮演,她是一个童星。Mo is acted by Wang Shasha. She is a child star.

同很多童星一样,克努特的童年短暂而悲伤。Like many child stars, Knut's life was short and sad.

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片中主角由麦考利.卡尔金主演,这也使他成为了那个年代标志性的童星。This children movie made him the iconic child actor of the decade.

童星出身的巴里摩尔9岁开始抽烟酗酒。DrewBarrymore began drinking and smoking cigarettes by the age of 9.

多年来,奥尔森姐妹一直享有好莱坞最富有的童星的美誉。For years the Olsen twins held the honor as Hollywood's richest kids.

故事是这样的-,他痛恨与童星共事,但又时常被迫合作。The story goes-- He hated working with child actors but he often had to.

卡尔文·克莱因雇用童星波姬小丝替他所设计的牛仔裤做广告宣传。Calvin Klein hired starlet Brooke Shields to advertise his designer jean wear.

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他在香港做童星时,出演了20来部电影,却很少上学。As a child actor back in Hong Kong, Lee appeared in 20 movies and rarely in school.

但豪斯从来没有一个打包的童星,始终抗拒被束之高阁。But Winehouse was never a packaged teen star, and always resisted being pigeonholed.

目露红光的众人中包括了英国著名演员迈克尔·西恩以及童星,达科特·范宁。The red-eyed baddies include British actor Michael Sheen and child star Dakota Fanning.

5岁时父母离异后,她随母亲迁往墨西哥城,那时开始就是童星了!When she was 5 years old, Angélica's parents divorced and she moved with her mother to Mexico City.

据报道,迪士尼高层们勃然大怒,决定寻觅另一名更为清纯漂亮的童星来取代塞勒斯。Reports had it that furious Disney bosses were considering replacing Cyrus with a more clean-cut teen star.

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20世纪最著名的童星秀兰·邓波儿·布莱克与世长辞,享年85岁。Shirley Temple Black, who was one of the most iconic child stars of the 20th century, has died. She was 85.

当一个可爱的童星本色地出演了一些动作片,这很有可能已经足够让他通过大众的评审。When a child star is cute and has a few instinctual acting moves, that’s probably enough for him to get by.

在过去,那些熟悉艾蜜莉•奥斯蒙的人都只知道她是童星海利•乔•奥斯蒙的妹妹。In the past, those familiar with Emily Osment knew her simply as child star Haley Joel Osment's little sister.

作为1935年至1938年间美国最有票房号召力的童星,小邓波儿给了民众亟需用以逃避现实的美好幻想。As America's top box-office draw from 1935 to 1938, the tiny Temple gave the country some much needed escapism.

小宝仍然保持童真,并不像一些童星那样过于早熟,对此,妈妈卞艾青很开心。Bian is happy that Xiao Bao is still a boy, and not a child star who has begun thinking and acting like an adult.

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在北京奥运会开幕式假唱的童星林妙可此举是打击假唱这种导致一些令人尴尬的演出失败的最新举措。The move is the latest step to put an end to a practice that has been at the center of some embarrassing fiascoes.

这位曾经的童星,现在脚上带着控制酒精浓度的监视器,在2010年七月二十日被法庭宣召入狱。The former child star, who is currently shackled to an ankle monitor, has been ordered to surrender on July 20, 2010.

他的外貌相比他童星时代的样子改变了很多,于是有很多关于他曾做过的手术的猜测。His appearance had changed so much since he was a child star that there was much speculation about the work he'd had done.