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这些电子器件都是从东洋进口的。Those electronic devices are imported from Japan.

在54种当地繁殖鸟类中,东洋界37种。Among 54 local breed species, 37 species distribute in Oriental.

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我国古北界和东洋界在东部的分界线应该在淮河附近。Palearctic and Oriental Regions should be based on Huaihe River as dividing line.

日兵们果然拉着几匹东洋军马来河边给军马洗澡了。Day soldiers had held several Oriental army horse to the river to bathe a charger.

根据调查结果,对区系结构进行分析,表明该区以东洋种和广适种为主。The result showed that the main elements of this fauna were Oriental and Eurytherm.

我们空虚的信仰竟意外的流到东洋岛。We are empty of believe in unexpectedly an accident of flow to arrive Japan island.

他是韩国最大的整形美容中心BK东洋的院长。Dr Kim Byung-gun is the head of Seoul, South Korea's biggest plastic surgery clinic, BK DongYang.

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位于上海浦东洋山保税区,建筑面积98,993平方米的厂房。Located in Yangshan Bonded Zone, Pudong District, Shanghai with total floor area of 98,993 square meters.

在世界动物地理区系中,以东洋区成分占有优势。In terms of the world geographical distribution, groups in the Oriental Region are distinctly predominant.

区系组成以东洋界成分为主,并出现南北交错的现象。As to its fauna, the components oriental kingdom are prevalent and mixed with the components from the north.

区系组成以东洋界成分为主,并出现南北交错的现象。As to its fauna, the components of oriental kingdom are prevalent and mixed with the components from the north.

该林区蛾类古北区种类与东洋区种类呈现交迭分布的特点。The species of palearctic region and those of oriental region appeare repeated character inMayan forest region.

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区系分析结果表明,该地区蝶类呈现由东洋界向古北界过渡的特征。Analysis of their fauna composition indicates that these butterflies were mixture of Oriental and Palaeartic species.

根据调查结果,对蝶类区系组成进行了分析,表明该地区的蝶类以东洋界种为主。In accordance with the investigation, it is found that the main elements of the fauna in this region are oriental species.

日本东洋电动葫芦采用了双重安全机制,由独特的摩擦离合器及上下限位开关组成。Toyo electric hoist adopts double security mechanism, composed of unique friction clutch and upper and lower limit switch.

PP礼品袋介绍东洋公司是一家有着多年专业从事塑料餐垫及塑料类印刷生产经验的厂家。PP Gift bagDongguan Toyo Printing Products Ltd is a pioneer manufacturer of all kinds table mat and plastic printing products.

东洋齿轮厂是一家汽摩及配件的企业,是经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。Dong Yang gear factory is a motorcycle and accessories company, is registered by the relevant state departments of enterprises.

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井上圆了在明治时代国家主义教育思想占支配地位的情况下,通过艰辛的努力,创办了私立东洋大学。In the Meiji Times when the nationalist educational thought was dominant, Inoue Enryo tried hard to found private Toyo University.

麦尔东洋始终将“科技为导向、品质为基础、不断开发创新”作为企业发展的宗旨。MARTOYO will always insist on the tenet that "Science and technology is the guider, quality is the base and never stop innovating".

这些日本漫画控则是由那些经典漫画控衍生而来的,他们通常也被称作“东洋文化爱好者”。An otaku or anime geek is a derivative of the classic comic book geek, these geeks many also oftentimes be considered "Japanophiles".