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轻飘飘溜走的旧时光。Floating away in the old days.

轻飘飘的白云在天上飘。Fluffy, white clouds float across the sky.

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它非常干净、有一点甜甜的轻飘飘的感觉。It tastes clean, a little sweet and light.

股票行市是轻飘飘今天在活跃贸易。Share prices were buoyant today in active trading.

当我站起来时,觉得有点轻飘飘的,但并不会头晕。When I stood up, I felt lightheaded but not dizzy.

垂柳轻飘飘地摆动。The branches of the drooping willows were swaying lightly.

他的双臂坚定而温柔地托起我的胳膊,使我感到轻飘飘的。His arms, holding my arms up gently and firmly, made me feel gossamer.

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那些轻飘飘的克达尔达们理所当然不能被打扰哦,BS那些势利鬼!Those lightweight Koada'Dal couldn't be bothered, of course. The snobs.

他的脑袋一下子轻飘飘的,他感觉自己可能会从邮局永远漂走再不回来。His head is light, and he feels he might float away from the post office forever.

猪又到了上帝那里,这次,上帝看到猪的灵魂是轻飘飘的一口气。The pig came to God again, and this time, God saw his spirit as a gossamer breath.

天高远而湛蓝,湛蓝的天空上,云轻柔地飘逸着,轻飘飘,无声无息。Day and filling up the blue, blue sky, with clouds flowing gently, floating, silent.

接着,维吉尼亚号的大炮沉寂了,这艘南方战舰用完了它所有的炮弹,也耗尽了所有的燃料,它现在是轻飘飘地浮在海面上。The Confederate ship had used up its gunpowder. It also had used up much of its fuel.

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现在奴隶们跟着美妙的音乐,跳起优雅的、轻飘飘的舞来。The slaves next performed some pretty fairy-like dances, to the sound of beautiful music.

这也就是为什么在接吻的时候,人会有种轻飘飘的幸福感。That is why the kissing partners can experience feelings of euphoria and bliss in the process.

只要她们的男人在唇上啵一下,就会让女孩子步伐轻飘飘,比什麽都有用。A simple smacker on the lips from their man puts a spring in a girl's step better than anything else.

一些被子植物的种子是被轻飘飘的翅膀所装备的,像是蒲公英和乳草类植物的种子。In some angiosperm the seeds are equipped with gossamer wings, like the dandelion and milkweed seeds.

某个人也许看上去体面而时尚,但那光鲜的外表下其实隐藏着一个轻飘飘的内心。Stylish and chic though someone appears to be, underneath that facade hides a very lightweight persona.

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因此八零后群体被社会舆论认为是“书包沉甸甸,脑袋轻飘飘”的一代。Thus, they are also being called by the mass media as a generation of heavy schoolbags and light minds.

一闻到平锅飘来的那股油腻中又带咸味的香气,你的一切思绪就立即化作云雾,只记得全身轻飘飘醉醺醺的腾驾起来。As soon as you sniff the greasy, salty smell wafting from the pan everything else slips away into a happy haze.

真正会使关节脱臼的是轻飘飘的贝特,颠倒着身体把双腿搁在头顶上的行李架上。For the truly disjointed, there is the Levitating Bat – upside down with legs resting on the overhead parcel shelf.