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这是争艳彩池。Here is the Zhengyan Pool.

那儿的山花在春光中争艳There, when the turf in springtime flowers

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樱桃梨树共争艳,四处飞花如雪片。The cherry and hoary pear, scatter their snow around.

瑞鸟栖集,繁花争艳。祥瑞之气,喜庆之意,透画而出。满堂上下,吉利平安。Auspicious birds are assembling around flowers. The propitious and festive air is fulfilling the whole house.

自此,刺绣艺术在针法、色彩图案诸方面已形成独自的艺术风格,可以和书画艺术媲美争艳。The art of embroidery has its own artistic style in needle work, color and design, comparable to the art of painting and calligraphy.

外围是争艳斗丽的鲜花,配合阳光照耀偌大的茶座,构成光明艳丽的画面。The open air seats, the blossoming flowers in the outer circle and the bright sunlight, all together compose a beautiful and luminous painting.

我却被这绿叶所感染,绿叶从不与花争艳斗奇,没有炫目的一刻,却有平安的一生。I have been infected by the green leaves, green leaves and flowers blooming never fight odd, there is no compelling moment, there are peaceful life.

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如今政府采取了一系列保护环境防止污染的措施。我们学校现在美如花园,院内树木常青,鲜花争艳。Now the Government adopted a series of measures to protect the environment from pollution. Our school is like a beautiful garden, hospital evergreen trees, flowers blooming.

昨日,记者从和平区政府获悉,今年的新春庙会照样是秧歌争艳、美食不断、年货成山、好戏连台。Heping district government yesterday said there was also wonderful Yangko Dance, delicious food, various supplies needed for the festival and pleasing performances this year.

阿联酋筹备骆驼选美大赛。一万多头骆驼将竞相争艳这场特殊的国际选美大赛。UAE stages camel beauty contest . Ten thousand camels will be fluttering their long eyelashes in a unique international beauty pageant being held in the United Arab Emirates.

在群星争艳的羽绒服市场上,北京杰奥制衣有限公司挟其倾力打造的“杰奥”、“天奥”羽绒服系列征战市场,取得了骄人的成绩。In the down jacket on the market, the Beijing Geo Clothing Co. , Ltd. to build the full use of its "Geo", "O-day" campaign market down jacket series, and achieved remarkable results.