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我月子里是在小床上睡的。I was in crib when I was just born.

治好疟疾,过完月子后,就带我回了农村。She brought me back to the village after the malaria was cured.

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做月子期间,我的主食基本是米饭,大米和小米我都吃。To do during the month, my basic staple food is rice, I eat rice and millet.

无痛人流,虽然无痛,但是休息还是不能少,“小月子”还得坐。Painless, although people, but rest or not painless, "little less confined" still have to sit.

流产后一般需要休息半个月或一个月民间称这段时间为“小月子”。After miscarriage generally need to rest half a month or a month folk say this time for "small confined".

但是歇着也不能怠慢、也是有很多规矩的,吴丽丽就深受其害、在这些规矩的束缚下痛苦挣扎——连月子的最后一天也未能得到丝毫放松。But there are a lot of rules, and Wu Lili is struggling with them — even thoughshe's on her very last day.

租赁这些住宅的是美国“优孕”月子中心,,是国土安整个三月初突击搜查活动的三个目标之一。The company that used the apartments, You Win USA, was one of three targets in the DHS raids carried out early March.

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只有勇敢地面对过去,像月子那样为自己的行为忏悔,才能重新聚合自己的精神。Only by facing up to the past and apologizing for one's actions, as Tsukiko does, can a person reintegrate their psyche.

月子期间,她被禁吃水果或蔬菜,也不能喝咖啡、冷饮,甚至连凉水也不行——只能喝温的或者热的。She's not allowed to eatraw fruit or vegetables, or drink coffee, cold drinks or even cold water, whichcan only be drunk tepid or hot.

但那些能真正按这些正统的礼仪限制坐完月子的女性,在今天可是少之又少了——至少在前卫的城市女性中如此。But those who really end up 'confining' themselves in an orthodox way are few and far between today – at least among active, city dwellers.

沐小小是因为心底那份亲近的感觉,而月子衿,就单纯的只为了这是沐小小的决定。Bathing is small because the heart bottom is that close felling, but month after giving birth Jin, pure for the sake of this is to bathe very small decision.

这部连续剧一开始仅仅就像是个侦探故事,受害人是一个叫月子的职业女性,遭到了一个滑着旱冰而且持有球棒的小男生的袭击。The series begins simply enough as a detective story when a career woman named Tsukiko is the victim of an attack by a bat-wielding schoolboy on inline skates.

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沐小小与月子衿相视而笑,而夜尘却始终带着一丝警惕,紧绷着身子戒备着。Bathe small mutually see but smile with month after giving birth Jin, but the night dust always takes a silk to see out for and paints firm body on the vigilant.

怎样的感情结晶了呀。所以,她老公并未对她提及孩子的任何不好情况,只说输几天液就没事了,担心她月子。How emotional crystallization. Therefore, her husband did not mention any of her children well, only losing several days liquid on the right, is worried about her son.

月子小时候曾将自己现实中的小狗"Maromi"之死归咎于一个手拿棒球棍的男孩,事实却是由于她的疏忽才导致了Maromi的死亡。When Tsukiko was a girl, she blamed the death of her real-life puppy "Maromi" on a fabricated random attacker, a boy with a baseball bat, when it was really her fault.

由于最近她才刚生产完,志工特别准备了麻油姜汤、来帮她做月子,同时也带来了食物给另外两个小孩吃。Because she only recently gave birth, Tzu Chi volunteers have been giving her traditional Chinese post natal treatment, while bringing food to feed her other two children.

对于忘情丹的功效,白羽有着无比的信心,她相信月子衿初醒时便似一张白纸。For let go of the effect of Dan, the white feather has unique reassurance, she believes that the Jin beginning in month after giving birth comes to then a piece of empty page of periodical.

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全书图文并茂,配有塑身瑜伽的8张彩色插图,让月子里的妈妈月子期间不仅健康,而且漂亮,更一个护理宝宝的高手。Illustrated book, with body sculpting yoga 8 color illustrations, so that the mother house month during the month of not only healthy, but also beautiful, but also a master of nursing baby.