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他在暗处轻车熟路。He knows his way in the dark.

女服务生捧来菜单递给茉莉,后者轻车熟路地点菜。The waitress passes a fine menu to Molly who orders dishes adroitly.

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简而言之,中国教育并不能让大多数学生在留学的时候轻车熟路。In short, a Chinese education does not prepare most students to study abroad.

谢尔德说这次首航对他和队友们来说是轻车熟路。Scherdel said the first flight was a familiarization flight for he and the team.

从古至今,世界历史上很多政治家都对此策略轻车熟路。Many statesmen in world history have used the same tactics, dating back to ancient times.

我们生在一个幸运的时代,现代科技使我们写作显得格外轻车熟路。Fortunately, modern technology has made writing much easier. I write directly in Wordperfect.

大学足球选手对更衣储藏比图书馆更轻车熟路。The college football player knew his way around the locker room better than he did the library.

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我认为他们在看到机会幷向裁判施压时表现得轻车熟路。I thought they were typical professionals in the way they saw the opportunity and forced the referee.

对阴蒂轻车熟路很重要,并且对你而言最好的抚摸风格——怎能不学习呢?It's important to get familiar with the clitoris and learn the stroking styles that work best for you.

上大学的时候,我第一次报名画画班。铅笔对我来说是轻车熟路。By the time I got to college and signed up for my first drawing class, I was pretty comfortable with a pencil.

老李依旧麻利的脱了个精光,把自己还有他,这点事老李还是轻车熟路得心应手的。Still hear his deft off his shirt, and his own, or talk of the town hundreds of times before this thing handy.

这位受过专业培训的斟酒师对工作轻车熟路,因此餐厅一直将她固定在这个职位上。The trained sommelier was very good at her job so she was kept in a role that she felt underutilized her talents.

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他们中的一些写手,显然担当是高盛的分析师,他们对股票,债券或货币很在行,对足球,却不那么轻车熟路了。Some entries are plainly written by Goldman analysts whose focus is stocks, bonds or currency, rather than football.

有时,公司管理层会想‘既然我哥们对这个职务轻车熟路,谁还会愿意去培训一个菜鸟?’In some cases, the executive thinks 'Who wants to train a neophyte when I've got a buddy who already understands what the job is?'

循环呼吸过程中的清晰度也是很难保证的,练习者在对这个技巧轻车熟路前不应过度追求。Articulation is also difficult while circular breathing and should not be attempted until the student is very comfortable slurring.

我女儿今年才六岁,对电脑就已经轻车熟路了。真是在电子产品里“泡”大的孩子啊,上周还要我给她买台新笔记本电脑。My daughter, only six years old, is very proficient in computers. She's such a digital native and she asked me for a new lap-top last week.

我们的写者往往写起来轻松,充满闲情逸致、轶闻趣事。中国读者也许不喜欢这种风格,所以当地的写手轻车熟路。Our authors tend to write in a casual, anecdotal sense but that might not make sense to Chinese readers, so local authors will have a hand in the writing.

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就像我们对待iPhone4一样,我们继续轻车熟路的移去后盖,看到电池和一堆乱七八糟的电磁干扰屏蔽保护层。We continue to tread largely familiar waters as we remove the back cover, the same way we did with the iPhone 4, and reveal the battery along with a mess of padded EMI shields.

因为有了上赛季带领富勒姆对杀入欧联杯决赛的经验,主帅霍奇森对于如何在欧联中使用球员轻车熟路,他将使用轮换制来减少关键球员在前期作战中不必要的体能消耗。Having learned his lessons from his run to the Europa League final last season with Fulham, the Liverpool boss is keen to avoid the pitfalls of over-playing people too early in the campaign.

仔细分析后会发现,失效的无线电导航可能干扰了飞行员,或者,也许增加了他扫视的负担,最终导致轻车熟路的进近变成了可悲的踉踉跄跄。After all, a malfunctioning nav radio may have led the pilot astray or, perhaps, increased his scan workload to the point where a simple "homefield" approach became a tragically blundered exercise.