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间歇反应中微生物同化作用占主导地位。Microbe assimilation plays a leading role in the intermittent reaction.

肌肉组织就是由这些不同种类的氨基酸通过同化作用组成的。Remember, muscle tissue is made from the assimilation of various amino acids.

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表明该制剂具有较强的雄激素样作用和同化作用。Experiments showed that water extract solution may have androgen-like and anabolic action.

岩浆的起源和成分及黏度、同化作用和岩浆分异、鲍文反应序列。Origin of magma, its components and viscosity, assimilation and magmatic differentiation, Bowen's reaction series.

氨同化作用是植物将无机氮转化成有机氮的一个重要过程。Ammonium assimilation is a very important process to transform inorganic nitrogen into organic nitrogen for plants.

如齐穗期施适量穗肥,以改善叶片‘同化作用,提高籽粒充实程度,增产潜力可进二步发挥。If proper amount of fertilizer is applied at heading stage, the high-yield potentialities could be brought into full play.

生物预处理工艺中,MC在特定细菌的降解作用及混合微生物的同化作用下被去除。In the biological pretreatment procedure for eutrophic water, MC were degraded by special bacteria and assimilated by heterotrophic microorganisms.

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在音乐创作方面,她特别重视音乐动机以掌握音乐的基本质,强调同化作用以保持音乐的纯化。In music making, she particularly respects musical motives to grasp the musical matrix, emphasizes the process of assimilation to make music purification.

个别的主题包括光合作用、呼吸作用、氮同化作用、脂质代谢、细胞壁形成、植物荷尔蒙和次及代谢物的生合成。Individual topics include photosynthesis, respiration, nitrogen assimilation, lipid metabolism, cell wall formation, and biosynthesis of plant hormones and secondary metabolites.

糖尿病基础的问题在于脂肪新陈代谢体系被损坏,而非糖的转化问题,糖的同化作用只是次要的。The basic problem with diabetics is really an impairment of the fats metabolism system, and not that of the conversion of sugar. The sugar assimilation problem is only secondary.

移民的死亡率说明了快速的同化作用和顽固的原籍国效应以及调整的艰难性。Mortality rates in these diaspora migrants show a mixed picture of rapid assimilation together with persistent country of origin effects, as well as the effects of adjustment hardships.

本文用集合论语言精确表述认知同化原理,赋予知识链和知识网确切意义,并给出知识结、知识丛和同化作用强度等新定义。By using the set theory, the assimilation theory is exactly expressed, the precise meaning of knowledge chain and net are given, knowledge knot, bundle andassimitation intensity are defined.

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拉斯维加斯的健身教练蒂埃里·托马斯解释说,“蛋白中的蛋白质是生物体可利用的和同化作用的以及保养和恢复肌肉所需要的蛋白质来源。Las Vegas fitness trainer, Thierry Thomas, explains, "The protein in egg whites is the most bio-available and assimilative sources of protein and necessary in maintaining and building muscle.

论文列举了一些造成语言消亡的原因,包括政府的压制政策、同化作用、经济压力、移民风潮、疾病以及自然灾害等等。The study cites several reasons for the disappearance of languages, ranging from repressive government policies and assimilation to economic pressures, migratory trends, disease and natural disasters.