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大风大浪已是过眼云烟。Wind and wave has already was vanish quickly.

我们经受住了大风大浪的考验。We had experienced the test of violent storms and waves.

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大风大浪,救援工作的进一步展开只有看天吃饭了。We held out against the strong wind and big waves for two days and nights.

那位老人能在大风大浪中不停地游泳达三个小时以上。The old man could swim continuously in great storms for more than three hours.

你说过会保护我,可后来的大风大浪都是你给的。You said you would protect me, but the strong wind and big waves is given by you.

在黑漆漆的夜晚,他们的船在大风大浪中摇摆不定。Their boat is swaying up and down the angry gales and billows in the dark evening.

没有人比经历过生活大风大浪的老年人更聪明、更有经验、更有学识。There is no one wiser, more experienced, more learned, than those who have lived through life.

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如果一个人经历过挫折,被大风大浪拍机,起码这个人学会了坚强。If a person experienced setbacks, strong wind wave machine, at least this person learn to be strong.

我是老运动员,大风大浪千千万万都经过了,还会翻了船?I am old OP mobilization, strong wind and big waves thousands on thousands of passed, will turn the boat?

大风大浪中,两人若是齐心协力,持之以恒,则会到达幸福的彼岸。Strong wind and big waves, two person if make concerted efforts, persevere, it 'll get to the happy side.

这也有可能是在工作中影响,但是如果它够强大的话,你将会没有感觉到大风大浪就安全驶过。This may affect a business alliance instead, but if all are strong, you will sail through without noticing much.

其实我们中的很多人,在这之前,对大海并不熟悉,更不要说海上大风大浪的生活了。Before this event, most of us were not even familiar with the sea itself, not to mention the daily life on the sea.

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“我认为我是个聪明的人。我已经在足球圈里打拼了40年,因为我什么大风大浪都见过,”他继续说到。"I think I am an intelligent man and if I have been in football for 40 years it's because I can fare in any sea, " he added.

与此同时德克萨斯州终于可以松一口气了,因为暴风雨在离得很远的南部除了一些大风大浪外就再没有什么能够威胁到这个州。Meanwhile Texas is breathing easier because the storm is too far south to threaten the state with anything more than high surf.

你们当中如此多的人来到这一段时间,因为你们拥有在前方的大风大浪中被需要的技能和理解。So many of you came into this period of time, because you have the skills and understanding that will be needed to surge ahead.

收拾现在的心情,继续追逐自己的理想,外面大风大浪,当它是在为我加油呐喊。To clean up the current mood, to continue to pursue their own ideals and outside the ups and downs when it was refueling in my cry.

为了让顾阡陌放心,骆天明说自己经商这么多年遇到过不少大风大浪,现在还挺得住。In order to make buildings rest assured, LuoTianMing said his business for so many years experienced a lot of wind waves, now still pretty.

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无产阶级革命事业的接班人,是在群众斗争中产生的,是在革命大风大浪的锻炼中成长的。Successors to the revolutionary cause of the proletariat come forward in mass struggles and are tempered in the great storms of revolution.

他们做好了充分的准备应对北大西洋的挑战,包括应对大风大浪和重大碰撞,他们被认为是最安全的。Specially outfitted to handle the challenges of the North Atlantic, including big waves and major collisions, they were also supposed to be among the safest.

人生就是由无数的挫折累积起来的,若禁不起大风大浪,重重艰险,也就不能战胜自己,而被挫折所屈服。Life is made up of countless frustrations accumulated, if cannot afford the wind waves, heavy disasters, also cannot overcome ourselves, and the yield by setbacks.