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如何控制派系。How to control for factions.

该党分裂成若干小派系。The party split into petty factions.

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如何控制派系间的冲突。How to control for conflict between factions.

他与两党中各派系斗争达三年之久。For three years he battled factions of both parties.

在全体学生当中存在著几个派系。Within the student body, there were several cliques.

那时产生的一些宗教派系现在还存在着。Some of these groups born at this moment still exist.

但是王室派系并没有不战而降。But the royal faction did not give up without a fight.

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数个派系的联合使这个法案得以通过。The concurrence of several factions got the bill passed.

早期基督教最初就是犹太教启示主义派系。Early Christianity starts off as an apocalyptic Jewish sect.

军队被调来帮助把交战的派系分隔开。The army was called in to help separate the warring factions.

该党也因派系斗争比以往更四分五裂。The party has also become more riven by factionalism than ever.

随着信条的转变,少数人像七分枝蜡烛台一样民族化和派系化。As symbols go, few are as national and sectarian as the menorah.

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它依赖于派系斗争、松懈的政策以及反西方的仇恨主义。It feeds on sectarian strife, lax policing and anti-Western hatred.

这一节日标志着法国各派系达成了和解。The fete marked a reconciliation of the various factions in France.

我们希望将各个派系带入新的方向,所以期待一个惊喜把!We want to take the factions in new directions, so expect a suprise.

第五领导人魏晓阳据说被拘留了彭的派系。A fifth leader Wei Xiaoyang was reportedly detained by Peng's faction.

小派系的一个带头者是一股无法抗拒的力量,名叫法力脱太太。The leader of one faction was an irresistible force named Mrs. Follett.

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而马渊曾是野田派系的得力干将,一度亲如兄弟。And Ma Yuan was Noda factions skeleton staff, once as close as brothers.

阴谋集团的诸多派系开始意识到自己的气数将尽。Various factions of the Cabal are beginning to realize that the end is near.

部落很快分成了派系,每方都为了私欲设法控制更多兽人领地。Soon factions arose, each seeking to control the Orcish domain for themselves.