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但是曲线美才是王牌。Curviness is the trump card.

女孩名通常变得更具曲线美。Girls' bodies usually become curvier.

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从加州的曲线美的峰巅让自由响!Let freedom ring from the curvaceous peaks of California!

想知道为什么男人对曲线美的女人更感兴趣吗?Ever wonder why men find curvaceous women more attractive?

强化胶原纤维及结缔组织,营造曲线美。Reinforces collagen fibres, firms support tissues and reshapes.

我们是一个崇尚曲线美的国家却不能正确对待有曲线美的人。We're a curvy country that can't handle looking at curvy people.

该研究为男人喜欢有曲线美的女性提供了生理依据。This research likes to curvaceous female provided physiology basis for the man.

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这种条纹适合身材偏瘦的女性,会让她们看起来更具曲线美,尤其是粗横条纹。They are for slim women and make them look curvier, especially with bold, thick stripes.

热性化配方能瞬间将了无生气的头发变得充满弹力及曲线美。The thermal formula can instantly make pulseless hair become full of elasticity and curvilinear beauty.

近看你会发现几乎每一棵树都展示出一个与众不同的曲线美。If you look closely you will see that almost every single tree there is curvy and pretty unusual shaped.

男人喜欢他们看得到的东西--曲线美--但是更重要的是,他们喜欢想象或者幻想那么隐隐约约的东西。Men love what they see — the curves — but more importantly, they love the thought or fantasy of what's hidden.

因为她们身材更有曲线美,她们也能魅力四射,代言睫毛膏和唇膏也一样有效果。Just because they are curvier, they can be just as beautiful and they can sell mascara and lipstick just as well.

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因为她们身材更有曲线美,她们也能魅力四射,代言睫毛膏和唇膏也一样有效果。Just because they are curvier, they can be just as beautiful and they can sell mascara and lipstick just as well.

赋与曲线美的车篷是一个褶皱面料,20秒左右可收于引擎下。The roof is a fabric affair that folds up under the engine compartment in about 20 seconds, leaving a slinky profile.

在超瘦、瘦和凹凸有致的女性中间,男男女女一致认为拥有曲线美的玛蒂娜•麦卡琴拥有最佳身材。Given the choice of ultra-skinny, thin and curvaceous , both men and women rated a curvy Martine McCutcheon as having the best body.

罗伯马歇要求洛杉矶代理人只挑选那些拥有自然曲线美身材的演员来饰演电影中的角色。Rob Marshall has sent out a request to casting agents in Los Angeles insisting only those with natural curves should apply for roles.

连衣裙将提供充足的覆盖面,而且有漂亮的接缝细节,来帮助你凸显身体的曲线美。A shift dress will give you an ample amount of coverage and has nice seaming details that can help define the curves of your body for you.

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除了法国男士喜欢骨感的女性之外,其他国家的男士都表示他们喜欢中等身材但不失曲线美的女性。Only the French said they preferred their woman skinny, with all others saying they prefer their women curvy, with a dress size from 12-14.

在2007年的一次拍摄活动中,她半裸着身体,仅仅用一顶圆礼帽遮挡住胸部,那时的身材绝对比平时更有曲线美。In a 2007 campaign in which she featured semi-naked with just a bowler hat covering her chest she also looked decidedly more curvy than usual.

酒体精细的结构如罗汉松树般的条文,加上微微的酸度和酒精,在口里是如此的轻薄和具吸引力,身轻飘飘,充满曲线美。The fine structure and split-totara texture make the wine slim and attractive while the easy acidity and slight alcoholic lift add a swervy, curvy appeal.