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我们摄取的卡路里太多了。We overdid it on the calories.

为什么脂肪细胞要摄取糖呢Why does it go into fat cells?

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我减少碳水化合物的摄取量。NO01,2. I've cut down on carbs.

首先,选择要摄取的架构。First, select a schema to ingest.

低钠也有可能因为食物摄取少…Low sodium could also be from low food.

你的大脑需要你摄取健康的脂肪。Your brain needs you to eat healthy fats.

这照片摄取在博茨瓦纳丘比保护区。This was shot in Chobe Reserve in Botswana.

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那么,大家应该怎样控制食盐摄取量呢?What can you do about your own salt intake?

每一天的摄取量大约是1000千卡左右。Intake per day is about about 1000000 cards.

人们每天脑黄金的摄取量至少为220毫克。Aim for at least 220 milligrams of DHA a day.

乳母需要摄取更多膳食钙吗?。Does lactation mother need more diet calcium?

减少动物蛋白的摄取。Reduce the ammount of animal protein the eat.

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我的医生建议我每日摄取维生素50mg到80mg。My doctor recommends levels between 50 and 80.

难于在较短时间内摄取许多信息。It is difficult to assimilate a lot of information.

当你的媒体斋戒结束,重新考虑你的媒体摄取量。Once your fast is over, re-think your media intake.

那就学学马赛妇女们摄取钙质的习惯吧。Imitate the calcium-consuming habits of Masai women.

我们从水果和蔬菜之类的食物中摄取维他命。We get vitamins from food like fruit and vegetables.

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我们摄取的食物被分解成用的物质。The food we take is broken down into useful substance.

不分昼夜都可以放心摄取的绿色食品。The green food all day and night canned trust to take.

请注意每餐蛋白质的摄取量。Watching the intake of protein in every meals , please.