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总归校园只有这么大而已“The campus is only so big."

我们总归都会和过往握手言和。We will always shake hands and past.

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那个答案总归是。The answer is always going to be zero.

菜鸟总归是小菜嘛。The fledglings are always small potatoes.

但是请仔细想想,回报总归是有的。But look closer. There is always a payoff.

另外,女孩子们在那时候总归不会喜欢你的。Besides, girls aren't going to like you for awhile anyway.

五分钟之后,一段鼠肉大餐便下了肚,虽然烤得有些焦,但总归填饱了肚子。Five minutes later, his belly was full of seared rat meat.

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食物可能也比较糟糕,因为总归是为宇航员准备的。The food will be horrible, as it always is for astronauts.

提案已然数不胜数,但总归有两个共同点。There have been many proposals, but all share two features.

得不到的爱人总归是风,强留千百次也终究会走。No love is always the wind, hold thousands of times will go.

有时它们很难解决,但总归有解决方案。Sometimes they are hard solutions, but they always have a solution.

水手总归是水手,他们喜欢让船航行得尽可能远些。Sailors being sailors, they like to push the boat as much as they can.

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任何一场公投总归免不了闹剧,然而这一场比其他的更不像话。All referendum campaigns are muddles , but this one is odder than most.

他们知道,我们总归要跌跌撞撞,磕这摔那,办事不力,丢三落四的。They knew we would always fall down, drop things, be ruined, and forget.

他料到自己的作品总归要受到批判,所以总是以攻为守。He's always expecting criticism of his work, so he's always on the offensive.

当然,巴西队总归还是巴西队,依然是那么地才华横溢、技术出众。Of course, this is still Brazil, so there is still flair and technique aplenty.

在PHP安全性这个话题上,总归有多种方法来完成某个任务。Withing PHP security topics, there is always more than one way to accomplish a task.

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尽管“块煤”并不一定是恶性或癌性的,但尽早发现总归是件好事。Though lumps are not all malignant, or cancerous, early discovery is always an advantage.

也许在外太阳系根本没有智慧生命的存在。不过探索一下总归无妨。There's probably no intelligent life in the outer solar system. But it couldn't hurt to check.

如果一种疫苗能够使免疫系统破坏受感染的细胞,那么癌症总归能够被杀死。If a vaccine causes the immune system to destroy infected cells, the cancer will be killed anyway.