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我的神阿,求你记念我,施恩与我。Remember me, O my God, for good.

当趁年轻记念造你的主Remember Your Creator While Young

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你们又要记念我是你们的骨肉。Remember, I am your flesh and blood.

当记念安息日,守为圣日。Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.

谨以此书记念我深爱的丈夫。This book is for the memory of my beloved husband.

以后就说,我不再记念他们的罪愆,和他们的过犯。And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.

父亲去买了一些文具作为记念品送给堂弟。Dad went to buy some stationery as souvenirs for my cousin.

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这都因他记念他的圣言,和他的仆人亚伯拉罕。For he remembered his holy promise, and Abraham his servant.

酒政却不记念约瑟,竟忘了他。Yet did not the chief butler remember Joseph, but forgat him.

求你记念向你仆人所应许的话,叫我有盼望。Remember your word to your servant, for you have given me hope.

这都因他记念他的圣言,和他的仆人亚伯拉罕。For he remembered his holy promise given to his servant Abraham.

为要记念亚伯拉罕和他的后裔,施怜悯,直到永远,正如从前对我们列祖所说的话。As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever.

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他只是说,耶稣啊,你得国降临的时候,求你记念我!He merely said, Jesus, remember me when I come into your kingdom.

耶和华阿,我记念你从古以来的典章,就得了安慰。I remember your ancient laws, O Lord , and I find comfort in them.

就说,耶稣阿,你得国降临的时候,求你记念我。Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom. ""

你们义人当靠耶和华欢喜,称谢他可记念的圣名。Rejoice in the Lord , you who are righteous, and praise his holy name.

耶和华如此说,你们不要记念从前的事,也不要思想古时的事。Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.

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在记念耶稣回到天上的那一天,利百加也归了天家。She arrived in heaven on the day marking Jesus' own arrival in heaven.

耶和华赐福与我主的时候,求你记念婢女。And when the Lord has brought my master success, remember your servant.

让他们喝了,就忘记他的贫穷,不在记念他的苦楚。Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.