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是谁想出这个独出心裁的主意的?Who thought of the original idea?

完全独出心裁的戏剧结构很少见。Few plots of plays are entirely original.

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这个方案富于创造性,独出心裁,很有魅力,所以他们都很喜欢。The project is abound in the creativity, novelty and enchantment, so they all like it.

这个方案富于创造性,独出心裁,很有魄力,所以他们都喜欢。There was something original, independent, heroic about the plan that pleased them all.

这个方案富有创造性,独出心裁,很有魄力,所以他们都很喜欢。There was something original, independent and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them.

网上这组照片显示出,独出心裁的爸爸们既让孩子们感到有趣,同时也能逗自己一笑。The snaps shared online show how inventive dads are keeping their children entertained, while amusing themselves at the same time.

电影的轻喜剧风格让我感觉独出心裁,我想,观众会从另外一个角度了解四川的风土人情。Movie comedy style makes me feel create new styles, I think, the audience will be from another angle to understand the local customs and practices of sichuan.

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事实上,山寨机在设计与制造上的独出心裁与精巧为大陆毫无生气的文化产业提供了一个榜样。In fact, the ingenuity that goes into their design and manufacture sets an example that could usefully be followed by the mainland's moribund cultural industries.

众所周知,在诺基亚手机家族中7系列手机向来以设计见长,往往会在造型和款式设计有独出心裁之处。It is well known, 7 series handsets always designs in the Nokia handset family grows perceptibly , often has in the modelling and the design design is original the place.

在日益严厉的审查制度中,人们期盼着更多的独出心裁的方式去尝试和保持公共领域和市民社会的活跃,所以他们求助于一些例如人文主义的字眼。Amid tightened censorship, people are looking for more inventive ways to try and keep the public sphere and civil society alive, so they are resorting to words like humanism.