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在她的病床上。In her sickbed.

这所医院有三百张病床。The hospital has three hundred beds.

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一天悄悄来到了艾米的病床旁边。One day quietly came to Amys bed side.

医院病床,几百盒鞋子,人体模特。Hundreds of boxes of shoes. A mannequin.

把病床周围的床帷拉上。Pull the curtains round the patient's bed.

在俄国儿童临床医院,每个操作室有7个病床。In RCHC there are 7 cots in an operating room.

我在他病床旁边守了好几夜。I watched beside his sickbed for several nights.

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她擦干眼泪,又坐回那张病床边。She wiped her eyes and sat back down near the bed.

他们将亚历克西斯所卧的有轮子的病床,推入一辆等候的绿色运动型跑车中。They roll Alexis’ gurney to the waiting green SUV.

一个微小的,静止的家伙卷缩在病床上。A tiny, motionless figure lay curled up on the bed.

用我们最后的性爱,给病床命名如何?And we christen the patients' bed with our final fuck.

第二天早晨,吴来到了陈的病床边。The next morning, nurse Wu came to Mr. Chen's bedside.

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医院病床,几百盒鞋子,人体模特。Hospital beds. Hundreds of boxes of shoes. A mannequin.

迈克尔走下病床去招待客人。Michael left his sickbed to entertain his house guests.

父亲坐在母亲的病床边,开始读字母表。Dad would sit by the bed and start reciting the alphabet.

爸爸妈妈很爱她,每天陪在病床边。Mom and Dad loved her, to accompany a day at the bedside.

在这个模型内,有一个由病人占据的病床组成的网格。In this model, you have a grid of beds filled by patients.

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它又跳上了病床的靠背,在空中闻了闻。He leaped onto the arm of the recliner and sniffed the air.

昨日,湖南省儿童医院,小南南躺在病床上瞪着大眼睛。Nannan's lying on the bed in the Hunan Children's Hospital.

看着病床上一天比一天衰弱的王莉,陈勇军常常背着王莉暗自流泪。Seeing her pining away day by day, he often cried privately.